Chapter 23: A spark, in two hearts, and a repentance.

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As soon as Izuku entered the boy's locker room, he went to shower himself, and came back some minutes later. It was good to be clean. A majority of the boys were still there. Izuku ignored their intrigued looks, and started to change himself to... more casual clothes. He will have to clean his uniform and equipement as soon as possible.

He took off his combat shirt, and heard some gasps behind him.

-Damn! You got some muscles bro!

Kirishima said, as Denki added.

-No wonder why you can run that long with the guns or even wear your equipement!

The greenette didn't responded and quickly finished getting dressed to dip out of the room. Izuku had a sigh...

He should have expected the questions.

-Hey! 10!

His head turned his head almost immediately. It was Jiro.

-Umm... Can... We walk together?

She asked, reddening a bit. Izuku had a small smile of kindness, one of his rarer smiles, he usually smilled because of excitement or sarcastically. He responded, swinging his bag over his shoulder.


Jiro reddened a bit more and approached. She couldn't look at Izuku in the eyes.

The greenette thought it was cute.

-So I guess we can go now.

Said Izuku as he started walking, his valid hand behind the head. He continued to look at her, before turning the head to look forward.

-You wanted to speak about something?

From the corner of the eye, Izuku noticed a small twitch.

-Yeah... How did you... became like that? Or why did you even chose that job in the first place?

Izuku remained silent for a second...

-Oh! Sorry if I asked something personnal...

Jiro immediately excused herself, but Izuku lifted a hand.

-I wall bullied by Katsuki Bakugo in middle school. One day as I was coming back home, beaten up, I fell on All Might. I asked him full of hope if I could become a hero without a quirk, my condition, but like the monstruous b!tch he is he sent me back into the black hole. I ran away to my house, which mysteriously exploded before I arrived. I lost my mother in there. No hero moved. Well... Anyway... I was taken hostage by a villain, and helped by 4 and 7, killed him. After that I joined the team...

Jiro looked at him with sad eyes...

-That's... That's a terrible story...

Izuku looked in the sky, and placed his hand in his pocket.

-I know. But it's months everything of this happened. It seems so far...

They both remained silent as they stopped... None of them wanted to say anything now... They remained like that for two minutes, which seemed like eternity, before Izuku spoke up again.

-I live my life now. And despite the dangers, I enjoy it. I have a family, peoples who are like me. And I found a new passion, before it was the quirks, which still remains a little time to time. But now I mostly know things about guns. It looks almost like a quirk now. Some peoples think that we have quirks, military based ones, but no. Just training.

Izuku turned his head to look at her. And she turned the head away, blushing again.

-Please... Stop it's embarassing...

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