Chapter 17: A proposition...

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A white ceiling.

That's the first thing Izuku saw when he opened his eyes... What had happened? He turned his eyes left and right... He was in a hospital bed... Attached to machines... He could hear a regular 'tut...tut...'. And Izuku guessed it was his heart. The greenette wore a respirator, but why? He didn't knew... His last memories were foggy a lot... The last he could clearly memorize was the agreement that 1 had with the UA principle...

He would probably remember in the future... But right now he wanted something very particular. Morphine, he really needed it. And honnestly, it disturbed him, why did he needed morphine? And he wanted to eat a bit. A little bit...

He tried to sit, but couldn't as a sharp pain erupted in his stomach. He groaned again. It was like something had pierced it... He remained laying on the bed, waiting for someone...

And a person arrived a hour later.

It was an intern, judging from her clothes, she wore white gloves and a mask... When the intern entered, she checked Izuku's vitals... Without noticing that the greenette was awake. It was only when Izuku cleared his throat that she seemed to notice him. The woman jumped in surprise with a sudden gasp when she noticed that Izuku's green and cold eyes were looking directly at her.

-OH! Uh... Uhhh... You are awake! Great!

She said, trying to get a professional tone. As if she wanted to forget this embarrassing moment for her.

Izuku rolled his eyes before asking, his voice muffled by the respirator.

-What happened.

The intern responded immediately without hesitation.

-So... Uhh... According to your medical file, you were brought here in a deep coma, you had a massive sword laceration on the abdomen, a light head trauma, a bullet wound in the leg, your heart was racing 200 beats per minute, you missed 1.30 liters of blood and I don't know how you managed to survive with three doses of morphine and the equivalent of 24 painkillers in the body.

Ah... Yes. Now Izuku remembered. The fog in his mind slowly dissipated... Yeah... He fought Stain... Right... No wonder why he wanted morphine so much... He probably developped a need to it... Bah... He would forget it with time...

-How much time? And what about the two students? And Stain?

Asked Izuku.

-The time in your coma? Ah... Your lucky, it's only been a week since pros brought you here... Speaking of that... One constantly checks on you. About the UA students, they are fine. They also check on you regularily, hoping to thank you. About Stain, he had a broken rib, so remained here for a day or two before beeing taken away by the police to the Tartarus. I don't know anything else.

Izuku nodded... A week... Damnit...

-Oh! Also! Some peoples came here and brought you a bag with personnal things in it they said, they are with your clothes, in the closet. Honnestly, I might admit. You kinda impress me. You got a complete military equipement... Only miss the guns and everything is there...

Izuku looked at her with a emotionless smile behind the respirator. That smile however had something that was kind of... Scary...

-They are in the bag. Disassembled.

The intern had a shudder, and quickly left the room. If Izuku could have laughed, he would have done it. He only felt a slight satisfaction.

Then he heard the door of the room open again. Izuku was about to roll his eyes again before he saw who entered...

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