Chapter 8: Critical strike

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The cloth rubbed across the dampened, smooth, surface of the helmet, removing the dryed blood particles that settled during the operation. Izuku was sitting on his bed, shirtless despite the temperature in the hangar that served as their base...

That extraction was really close that time... In the van, they haven't said a word... Probably in their thoughts. Without 6 and him who managed to throw the flashbang in the air, they would have probably been captured... But what was the most worrying was the fact that they probably would have the eye of the Hero Commission searching for them... It would make their operations more difficult...

There was a knock knock at his door, Izuku lifted his head and answered.


The door opened and 1 entered... It was rare that Izuku could see him without his mask... 1 didn't had the face of a military, he seemed unharmful, but as the saying states: appearances can sometimes be fake.

-Yes sir?

Asked Izuku as he got up, saluting the leader. 1 looked at him for a moment and took the chair of his desk.

Izuku's room wasn't big, and only having for furnitures a bed, a steel locker where he put his uniform and gear, and a steel desk with a steel chair, nothing too much, it was enough for him.

1 sat down and sighed...

-10... Thanks... You saved the whole team... Sit down. I have something else to tell.

The greenette sat down, his eyes squinting a little, a new mission?

-I know we just came back from a exhausting mission, but the money promised if we accomplish the contract.

The greenette understood and nodded...

-I am operational. What's the mission? And why did you came to see me personnally?

Bravo-1 sighed...

-Only you, 8 and 3 are going on that one. I will give a briefing to you three only. And 6 only got orders to bring you there. Follow me. The others are waiting in the briefing room.

Bravo-1 got up and walked outside... After some hesitation, Izuku got up from his bed, grabbed his black shirt, putting it on, and walked outside...

He followed 1 to the briefing room, and noticed how the leader of the team seemed to be nervous and tensed... They arrived in front of the briefing room door... 1 stopped, clenching his fists, and opened the door, allowing Izuku to enter...

The greenette entered, and immediately went to sit on one of the 8 empty chairs that were around. 3 and 8 nodded to him, and he nodded back... 1 climbed on a small platform, and turned on a projector... He then turned the lights off...

-So... 3, 8, 10. I called you all here for a new contract that just fell. The money promised is very important if you three manage to do the mission. 2 days ago, a cruise was attacked by a group of criminals, they are trying to smuggle drugs thanks to the boat, however, that information leaked, and pro-heroes, as well as commandos of the japanese army, were sent on the place. The first group of pro-heroes and commandos were wipped out, the second wave also took heavy losses. It was discovered that the criminals have taken the passengers hostage. In front of the situation, some of the pro-heroes had to immobilize the ship. And the cruise is now surrounded with ships. That's where you enter in the play, the contract is to rescue the son of a rich man, the said man is supposed to be the one who sent this contract to us.

Your mission is to get there and rescue the son, and bring him there.

Bravo-1 pointed a small island, around 10 klicks away from the place where the cruise was immobilized. 3 asked.

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