Chapter 4: Critical extraction

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Ordered Bravo-1, Izuku could guess he was annoyed... It wasn't their plan to initially expose themselves... And it was what they were currently doing... Risk their lives... From every direction in the USJ he could hear gunshots... The rest of the team were helping the students in their zones like they could... The greenette looked forward again... They were almost out of the terrain... Fortunately and unfortunately at the same time. Yes they could drop the students and vanish like ghosts, but at the same time more people could see them. Izuku saw 1 suddenly lift his gun and fire two times, and a villain dropped on the ground... 

Speaking of his gun, he didn't have the time to check how many bullets remained, he approximately had shot around 20 times, so it was probably less than 10 shots...

Izuku still felt the gaze of Bakugo in his back... The blonde couldn't take off his eyes from him... The feeling that Kacchan managed to recognize him rose up again... But Izuku slightly shook his head, as the girl he was carrying on his back groaned...

-Your awake? Good. Stay still, I don't want to drop you. Not in your current state.

Said the greenette, it was strange for him who usually didn't felt emotions to be worried about the well-beeing of that girl he didn't knew...


Jiro groaned... Her head felt like she took something heavy in it... Like it was about to implode... the black veil before her eyes lightened a bit... Enough for her to see at least something... And to also hear something... The first thing she heard was the voice of a boy around her age... A voice she didn't knew, firm, and nearly emotionless, but she still noticed the little hint of worry in his voice...

-Your awake? Good. Stay still, I don't want to drop you. Not in your current state.

Jiro nodded weakly... Her ears then catched the sound of three pair of boots... It was the same she had heard in distance thanks to her quirk earlier... But it was now accompanied now with the sound of a complete military gear... Who were those guys? She opened her eyes a little more and lifted her head from his back... She was beeing carried on his back... She heard Bakugo behind...

-The Music Box had woken up huh?

The voice of Momo soon joined him

-Jiro! I am sorry... They used a weight I created and threw at them to knock you out...

-Yeah yeah nerd, next time stop using your quirk to creat sh!t that can be used against us after.

Momo fell silent... Jiro, despite her state, mumbled back to Bakugo.

-Shut up... At least she tried to help...

Bakugo harshly responded

-Shut up music b-

He was interrupted when the boy that was carrying her spoke.

-Shut up.

She heard the scrape of clothes on a bulletproof vest and the ground came a little closer... The three soldiers seemed to wait a second, before the one who seemed to be the older groaned...

-Damnit... Might's is in play now...

The voice of a girl sounded also rose, she sounded a bit older than them, but not a lot.

-What 2 meant when she spoke about that... 'Purple gigantic brain bird?'

The older soldier responded

-I don't know. But what is concerning right now is All Might, a wave of proes might be following him. And I don't want to face them. Let's move quicker.

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