Chapter 27: Nightmares, blood and guns

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The school ended something like 5 hours ago. And Izuku, after his usual patrols on the campus, allowed himself to get some rest.

As he arrived in front of his room, he sighed. Another long day. Even tho it has been fun with those small events like the false bomb he put in the cafeteria. The greenette unlocked the door with the key he kept in a pouch, and pulled the handle, pushing the door wide-open, before entering.

Once inside, he closed the door and sat on his bed. Since they gave him the room, who was a storage locker, he had completely modified the room. A janitor had removed the brooms and the cleaning tools that laid here and there, giving Izuku some space. He now had small bed, uncomfortable according to the standarts of most peoples, but completely fine for him, he also had a desk and a chair, where he usually put his clothes, and kind of hooks where he hung his weapons and equipement.

He changed himself to more... usual clothes...

That was done... He went in his thoughts... Won't be long before he regroups with the squad... He would finally be back to his common missions. But anyway. He didn't lost any more time, and went to sleep, after chewing a ration bar, that would be enough for tonight. He laid his head on the pillow, and closed his eyes...

He woke up suddenly in a place he didn't knew.

It looked like a forest... He was fully geared, holding his M4 tightly, there was sounds... Everywhere... Branches crackling, shots fired in the distance, screams... What the hell was happening... Izuku looked around, and ducked down as a bullet flew past his head, Izuku fired back, and the opponent fell on the back, Izuku kept his gun pointed... The Tango was dead... That's what he thought.

With a resounding crack, like bones breaking, the Tango got back up on his legs, twisting his body in a... unnatural way. The wounds were regenerating, and the bullets were ejected, tinkling as they bounced on the ground... The Tango laughed, and Izuku fired again, this time right, the man staggered backward, but the wound did the same thing, regenerating and ejecting the bullet... Behind him, other silhouettes seemed to manifest from the shadows... And soon Izuku was surrounded... A cacophony of laughter arose and Izuku was seized with a unspeakable terror, this never happened to him... All of this was so unreal... But looked so real at the same time... 

Then a black void opened under him, and he sucked up...

The fall seemed endless, and Izuku heard more shots, which illuminated the darkness with flashes, and spurts of blood, painting the black with red before vanishing... Then came the faces...

Faces twisted beyond recognition...

Faces twisted with hate...

Faces twisted with horror...

They surrounded him, some laughing at his despair, some crying, some insulting him... Izuku had to drop his gun in the dark to cover his ears and close his eyes...

Then the fall ended. Izuku hit a sort of smooth surface, rolling several feets before stopping... He got up, shaking his head...

And looked around for his weapon, it was nowhere to be seen. He was in the center of a circle of light, but when he was looking up, he was only seeing darkness. Black was the only thing that was around the circle... Izuku lowered his NVGs to see what was hiding in the void, but they demanifested in his hands...

Izuku started to mumble...

-Calm down. It's just a dream, it's just a dream...

The greenette felt flow near his boots, he lowered his eyes... To see a stream of blood... The the room seemed to lit up... And Izuku found himself in the middle of a mass grave... Everywhere he looked, there was mountains of bodies... Covered in blood, he approached one... And looked at a body... He only felt horror as he recognized the face of the corpse...


He stammered, before he looked at another body...


Each body he was looking was someone he knew, met, or killed during his entire life...

And Izuku stepped back until he fell on his butt... He lifted his hands, holding his head, horrified, but then a hand grabbed him by the back of his neck and put him on his legs, he turned, and saw one of the bodies of the hostiles he had killed, still covered in fresh blood, holding a gun pointed at him... All the bodies of the enemies he had killed were 'waking' up, getting up on their feet, manifesting guns from nothing... They all kept their guns pointed down excpet the one who lifted him.

They all looked at him with dull, empty eyes, but the one who lifted him was looking at him with... Eyes that were alive, the only ones that looked like that...

And he fired in Izuku's knees... The greenette didn't felt pain but still fell. Then the hostile proceeded to fire at each one of the articulations in his arm, before kicking him in the face, the boy fell backward, and unable to get back up, only could to grumble as he tried to move his arms and legs. The hostile approached him and put a leg on his chest as he spoke...

-You will never sleep again Bravo scum.

He leaned his upper body forward, as a creepy smile painted on his face...

-Because now the Cerberus is watching you...

Before lifting his gun and firing a single shot right in Izuku's forehead.

And with that, the whole nightmare faded, and Izuku brutally woke up in his room, sweating and looking around frantically... He just caught sight of a young women, with a black and grey hood, staring at him, he blinked and the girl was gone...

Izuku remained silent on his bed... Thinking about what happened

-The... Cerberus... is watching me? What does that... mean?

Izuku thought about that for a moment... That wasn't usually what was beeing said in nightmares... And who even was that girl?

After reflexion, he got up from his bed and looked at the time... It was... 6 am. Well... He would think more about that during his morning exercises...


-Target have left the main UA building. He seems preoccupied.

-Good. 9, continue to stalk him, 6, visit him time to time would you?

-Affirm sir.

Two voice responded.

A man got up... He was equiped in a full black combat suit, with all the equipement like vest, goggles, a balaclava, grenades and other things. He had a black beret, but what was the most distinctive was the patch on his sleeves... Three hound heads with huge fangs and red eyes, with crossed swords under the heads. The man lifted his hand to his headset and said, after pressing a button.

-Red Seer, Cerberus arrived at location. Currently starting Observation and Paranoid protocols.

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