Imprisoned Lord

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[King's Landing - Red Keep - Training Room]

Arya was currently at her dancing lesson with Syrio. Which would likely be her last before she returned to Winterfell.

"Yah! Left high, left low." Syrio instructed.

Unfortunately, what she didn't know was that her father had been imprisoned and Lannister men were slaughtering her father's men who'd arrived in the capital with them.

Elsewhere in the Red Keep, Lannister guards were still fighting Stark guards and they were clearly winning.

"Right low, lunge right."

Arya had very clearly improved in her swordplay.

Outside, several servants, being led by the Stark's steward Vayon Poole, were loading the Starks' belongings into a carriage.

"If you break anything, the Septa will have my head." Poole told them.

More Lannister men came charging towards Poole and the others.

"What is - ?"

A Lannister soldier ran Poole through with a spear, killing him. The remaining soldiers proceeded to kill the other servants.

Back in the Red Keep, Sansa was walking down a hallway with Septa Mordane.

"Your sister knew perfectly well we were to leave today. How she could forget -"

"She didn't forget. She's with her dancing master; she's with him evey morning. She alwys comes back with scrapes and bruises. She's so clumsy." Sansa joked.


A commotion was heard nearby, causing Septa Mordane to seem alarmed.

"Go back to your room. Bar the doors and do not open them for anyone you do not know."

"What is it? What's happening?"

"Do as I told you. Run!"

Sansa did not waste another moment, doing as she was told, and not a moment too soon.

Another group of Lannister soldiers comes around the corner. Septa Mordane saw their bloody swords and approached them slowly, a look of shock and fear on her face.

[Training Room]

"This way! Left, right. Rah!"

Syrio went left instead of right and knocked Arya's sword out of her hand.

"Now you are dead."

"You said right, but you went left." Arya told him, confused.

"And now you are a dead girl."

"Only 'cause you lied."

"My tongue lied. My eyes shouted the truth. You were not seeing."

"I was so! I watched, but you - !"

"Watching is not seeing, dead girl. The seeing - the true seeing - that is the heart of swordplay."

The door suddenly opened, a group of Lannister soldiers, led by Ser Meryn Trant of the Kingsguard, entering.

"Arya Stark, come with us. Your father wants to see you."

Arya started to go to them, but Syrio held her back.

"And why is it that Lord Eddard is sending Lannister men in place of his own? I am wondering."

"Mind your place, dancing master. This is no concern of yours." Meryn told him.

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