Reunited... And It Feels So Good

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[Narrow Sea]

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting an ethereal glow across the water, Morgana Baratheon, cloaked in a hooded crimson cloak, gazed out over the sea from the bow of the ship. The journey they had embarked on was one fraught with danger, and she could not help but wonder if they would make it to their destination alive. Beside her stood her loyal guard, a burly man named Ser Justin, his eyes constantly scanning the horizon for any signs of danger.

Morgana's thoughts drift back to the events that brought them here. The failed betrayal at the Red Wedding, orchestrated by her grandfather, left her husband, Robb Stark, and his mother, Catelyn, bloodied and defeated. They survived, but barely. In a desperate attempt to save their family, Morgana sent Robb and Catelyn to seek refuge in Volantis, the home of their fallen friend, Talisa Maegyr, whom had been a victim of the Red Wedding.

Along with her infant twin sons, Eddard and Robert, and her handmaiden, Elana, Morgana followed them across the Narrow Sea. The boys, mere babes, had inherited traits from both parents: Eddard's russet brown hair from his father and green eyes from his mother, and Robert's black hair like her and Robb's Tully blue eyes. They were precious to Morgana, the last remaining bits of the life she and Robb had once shared.

As the ship drew closer to shore, Morgana could make out the outline of Volantis in the distance. Its towering walls and grand, golden towers shimmered in the setting sun, promising a new beginning for her family. She clutched her sons tighter, willing her heart to stop racing as she thought of seeing Robb's face again. The journey had been long and arduous, but it had brought them to this moment. Soon, they would be reunited as a family, and they would face whatever challenges lay ahead together.

The dock bustled with activity as the ship pulled into port. Merchants hawked their wares, sailors shouted to one another, and the smell of the sea mingled with the spices of foreign lands. Morgana's guard, Ser Justin, expertly navigated the crowds, making sure that their passage was unimpeded. They finally reached the end of the dock, where a group of people waited anxiously for their arrival.

Morgana's heart leapt into her throat as she saw Robb and Catelyn standing among them. They looked worn, harder, but there was still a spark of love and hope in their eyes when they saw her.

Her note had worked.

Robb's gaze lingered on his sons, and a smile slowly spread across his face. "Morgana," he breathed, taking her hand in his. "You've done well. They're beautiful."

"They are our beautiful sons," she replied, her voice trembling with emotion. "And they will grow up to be strong and brave, just like their father." Catelyn approached them then, tears streaming down her face. "Oh, Morgana," she whispered, taking her daughter in law's hand. "It's so good to see you again." The three women embraced tightly, their shared grief and fear giving way to a moment of fragile happiness.

As they made their way through the city, Morgana couldn't help but feel a sense of hope beginning to blossom inside her. The streets of Volantis bustled with life, and the people seemed friendly and welcoming. They had survived the journey, and now they were ready to face whatever lay ahead. The dream she'd had about her spirit guide, Lyra, came back to her, and she knew that with their new allies, they would be able to reclaim what was theirs.

Their journey would not be an easy one, she knew. The Iron Throne still loomed large in their lives, and the vultures of the realm would surely circle them like sharks. But for now, she was content to enjoy the simple pleasure of being with her family. Robb had taken their sons, Eddard and Robert, in his arms, their giggles filling the air as they clung to their father's massive frame. Catelyn walked beside them, her hand resting protectively on Morgana's shoulder. They were a family again, and nothing could take that away from them.

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