True Heritage Reveals & Plans

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[Winterfell - Courtyard]

The sky above Winterfell was a crisp, clear blue, as if painted by an artist's hand. The wind was sharp and biting, carrying with it the promise of snow. The ancient castle loomed large, its gray stone walls rising up like the jagged teeth of some great beast. The courtyard was a flurry of activity as servants scurried about, tending to the horses and preparing for the arrival of a distinguished guest.

Robb and Morgana, the King and Queen of the North, stood at the center of the courtyard, their breath fogging before them as they waited patiently. They were dressed in their finest furs and silks, a display of power and wealth even on this frigid day. Behind them, the banners of House Stark snapped in the wind, emblazoned with the iconic direwolf motif.

Jon Snow finally appeared, his long stride carrying him swiftly across the cobblestones. He was accompanied by Davos, the Onion Knight; Harwin, the head of the Stark household guard; and a small retinue.

As they approached, Robb and Morgana could see the weariness in Jon's eyes and the lines etched deeply into his face. Despite this, he maintained an air of dignity and authority that seemed to command the respect of all who were present.

The queen stepped forward to greet him, clasping her hands in his and embracing him warmly. "Welcome back, Jon Snow," Morgana said with a smile, her eyes gleaming with gratitude. "We are so glad to have you safely home."

Robb, standing tall beside his queen, nodded to Davos and Harwin before wrapping his arm around Jon's shoulders. "It's good to have you back where you belong, Jon," he said, a smile touching his lips. "You've done us proud."

Jon returned the smile, his eyes meeting those of Robb's sister, Sansa, who stood beside her mother, Catelyn. He felt a pang of something like affection for the girl, despite their past differences. "Thank you, Your Grace. It's an honour to serve the North."

As they all made their way toward the great hall, Jon asked to speak with Robb, Morgana, Sansa, Catelyn and Bran in the solar. The king and queen exchanged curious glances, but followed Jon nonetheless. The solar was warm and inviting, with a roaring fire crackling in the hearth. Jon took a seat in the plush chair before the fire, the others taking seats around him.

"I have some news from King's Landing," Jon began. "It seems that Daenerys is not as eager to join forces against the Night King as we had hoped."

Robb frowned. "Why not?" he asked, his voice tense.

"Cersei refuses to agree to the temporary truce. She and Daenerys are too focused on sitting the Iron Throne. They're ignoring the greater threat."

"Then we'll have to find a way to force their hand," Robb growled. "Perhaps... No, I can't ask you to do that."

Jon knew what he was going to say. "You're thinking of revealing my identity as Jaeharys III Targaryen, the trueborn son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark."

Robb nodded grimly. "It's our only leverage. If Dany knows you're alive and the true heir to the Iron Throne, she may be more inclined to see reason."

Morgana looked thoughtful. "But what of the threat she poses to our lands? If we reveal this secret, we could provoke her into attacking us outright. When dragons flew North, your ancestor was forced to relinquish his Kingdom."

"So, what? We must now go out there and tell these Lords and Ladies that we're on our own?" Sansa asked.

"Not quite. I have a plan." Jon told them.

[Great Hall]

The Lords and Ladies and some of the Free Folk had gathered in the great hall, awaiting the announcement of their warden. Davos and Sam were there as well.

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