Trekking To The Wall

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In the Northern wilderness, Sansa and Theon were running through through the woods frantically, the sounds of barking dogs in the distance.

Sansa quickly grew tired, but Theon ran back to her, pulling her onward.

"We can't stop."

The pair resumed running. They happened upon a large, snowy river.

"We have to cross here." He told her.

Sansa stepped on a patch of thin ice and gasped. "I can't."

"It's the only way to throw off the hounds."

"But it's too cold. I can't. I won't make it. I'll die."

"I've seen what his hounds do to a person. This way is better."

Theon guided Sansa into the water where she gasped at the cold. The both waded across.

Once they had made it across, they continued walking. Both were blue with cold. The barking could no longer be heard, but Theon spotted something in the distance.

"Over here. Come on." He led her to an overturned tree.

Its roots provided shelter from the snow. They sat down under the roots, shivering.

"Sansa. Sansa."

He wrapped his arms around her and she rested her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes. Dogs barking could suddenly be heard closeby.

"Stay here. I'll lure them away." He told her.

"No, I won't make it without you."

"You will. Go north, only north. Jon is Lord Commander at Castle Black. He'll help you."

Theon ran into the woods but was immediately confronted by House Bolton soldiers and hounds.

"Where is Lady Bolton?" One of them asked.



"She broke her leg jumping from the ramparts. I left her to die in the snow."

The dogs caught Sansa's scent and began barking. They lead the soldiers to SANSA under the roots of the tree. Sansa instinctually cowered from them.

"I can't wait to see what parts Ramsay cuts off you this time." The lead Bolton soldier told Theon.

One of the soldiers grabbed Sansa and pulled her to her feet.

A horse whinnied in the distance, causing the soldiers to draw their weapons. A blonde woman and young brunette boy approached on horseback, swords drawn.

"It's a bloody woman." The Bolton soldier informed his companions.

The woman cut him down as she rode past. The boy engaged one of the soldiers in mounted combat, while the woman faced off with another mounted soldier. Their blades clashed, but neither was hit.

As she rides past her opponent, another soldier knocked her from her horse. She dropped her blade but scrambled to retrieve it when she saw a soldier advancing towards her on foot. When she reached the blade, the soldier kicked her. She retrieved the blade again and stood, engaging him in a swordfight, quickly cutting him down.

A mounted soldier charges at her. When he was close enough, she jumped and struck him, causing his horse to fall over, trapping him beneath it.

While her companion continued his mounted sword fight, Theon grabbed the blade of a fallen soldier off the ground.

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