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[King's Landing - Red Keep, Morgana's Chambers]

Morgana lay in bed, sweating and panting as she pushed against the pain that wracked her body. The midwives were fussing around her, but she could barely hear them over the sound of her own heart pounding in her ears. She gritted her teeth and tried to focus on the task at hand - bringing these babies into the world safely. But it was hard to do when she was so scared.

She had heard stories of women dying in childbirth, of their bodies giving out under the strain of carrying a child to term. And now, as she felt the contractions growing stronger and more frequent, she couldn't help but wonder if she would be next. Would she never get to hold her babies, never get to see them grow up?

Just as she was starting to lose hope, a soft voice spoke in her ear. "Fear not, my dear one," it said. "I am here to guide you through this."

She looked to her left to see Lyra, her spirit guide.

And so she pushed, using every last bit of strength she had. And with each push, she felt the baby moving closer and closer to freedom.

With a fierce determination, she pushed with all her might, feeling the baby crowning as the world around her became a blur. Finally, with one last push, the baby boy was born, wailing loudly as he took his first breaths. The midwives placed him in Morgana's arms, and she gazed down at him in wonder, marveling at his tiny features - his father's russet brown hair and green eyes just like hers.

The midwives declared him healthy and strong, and Morgana felt a surge of love and relief wash over her.

As she held her newborn son close, tears streaming down her face, she knew that she had made it. She had brought life into the world, despite her fears and doubts.

But there was still another baby to come, and Morgana knew that this one would be different. She felt a strange sensation inside her, as if something was moving and shifting within her womb. And then, suddenly, there was a second cry, and the second baby was born, another boy, this one with her dark hair and Robb's Tully blue eyes.

"Oh my gods," Morgana breathed, staring in amazement at the two tiny miracles in her arms. "Twin boys."

Eddard, with his father's russet brown hair and my own green eyes, looks up at me with such innocence and curiosity. His little hands grasp mine tightly, as if he knows that I am the only one who can protect him from the world. And yet, despite his fragility, there is something fierce and determined within him, just like his father.

Robert, on the other hand, has inherited her black hair and the Tully blue eyes that belonged to Robb and his mother, Catelyn Stark (Tully). He is the spitting image of his father, with a mischievous glint in his eye that suggested he would be quite the scoundrel when he grew older. But even now, as a newborn, he seemed to understand the power of his family name, and the legacy that he carried within him.

As she sat in her chambers within the red walls of Red Keep, gently cradling her newborn twin sons in her arms, gazing upon their tiny faces, she couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and wonder at the little miracles that had grown inside of her over the past nine montgs.

It had been a difficult journey, to say the least. The failed betrayal by the Freys and Boltons had left her and her family reeling, and she had been forced to send her beloved husband, Robb, and his mother Catelyn to seek refuge in Volantis. But despite the hardships, Morgana had found strength in her own resilience and determination to keep her family safe.

As she looked at her twin boys, she saw two different reflections of herself and her husband staring back. Eddard had inherited her father's russet brown hair and her green eyes, while Robert had taken on her black hair and the piercing blue eyes of Robb's Tully family. It was as if they were a physical embodiment of the love and unity that she and Robb had shared during their time together.

Morgana smiled softly as she rocked her babies back and forth, feeling a sense of peace wash over her. Despite everything that had happened, she knew that these two little souls would bring light and joy into the world, just as their father had brought light and purpose into her life. And though they may have started out as small and vulnerable, she knew that they would grow up strong and brave, just like their parents before them.

Knowing that she was bound to be exhausted, her mother and the midwives, excused themselves, allowing her to rest.

After feeding them, she gently laid them side by side in their crib, where they instinctively joined hands.

Smiling at the sight, she waddled towards her vanity, where her journal rested.

With the twins asleep, she decided to add to her entries, writing about this experience, so she could share the memory and emotions of the moment with Robb.

My Dearest Robb,

I find myself overwhelmed with emotions as I sit down to pen this letter to you. The love I feel for you is beyond measure, and evrryday only strengthens our bond. As I think about our journey together, it brings me immense joy to recall the beautiful memories we have created, especially the greatest gift life has bestowed upon us - our twin boys.

Oh, Robb, how can I begin to describe the love that fills my heart when I look into their innocent eyes? Eddard, with his russet brown hair, bears a striking resemblance to you, my love. Those captivating green eyes that mirror my own - I can't help but see a reflection of our unending love in him. And then there's Robert, with his beautiful black hair, the same color as mine, and his Tully blue eyes, so bright and full of life. He truly carries a piece of you within him.

When I held them in my arms for the very first time, my heart overflowed with a love I nevr thought possible. It was in that moment that I knew our lives had been forevr changed, for the better.

Words cannot express how much I long for you to hold them, to experience the joy that radiates from their tiny beings. They are a living testament to the love we share, a love that has now multiplied into these precious little souls. I wish for nothing more than to witness the joy in your eyes as you lay your gaze upon them, to watch you become the amazing father that I knew you would be.

Robb, as I envision the future before us, I can't help but long for the priceless moments we will experience as a family. The joyous laughter that will fill our home, the milestones we will witness, and the love we will continue to nurture. I can already imagine their little footsteps echoing through the hallways, chasing after their dreams and leaving a trail of endless happiness in their wake.

But amidst all the excitement, my heart aches for your presence. I long to share these moments with you, to hold your hand as we guide our boys through life's journey, to witness their milestones as a united front. Our love has always been the foundation upon which our family thrives, and I yearn to see that love manifest itself in the smiles and laughter of our children, just as it does between you and me.

My darling Robb, please know that as much as I cherish our boys and all the incredible moments we have shared, my love for you burns brighter than evrr. You are the rock upon which I lean, the anchor that keeps me grounded. You have shown me a love that transcends all boundaries and made me believe in the magic of soulmates. Together, we have created a family filled with love, laughter, and a future that shines with endless possibilities.

Until we are reunited again, my love, know that you are alwys in my thoughts and forevr in my heart. I eagerly await the day we can embrace as a family and experience the joy of our boys growing up in the warmth of our love.

With all my love, alwys and forevr,


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