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[King's Landing - Red Keep, Morgana's Chambers]

Princess Morgana Baratheon lay in bed, her eyes closed as she tried to make sense of the latest visit from the mysterious female spirit guide. The dream had been vivid and intense, filled with images of flames and dragons, of ancient Targaryens, their dragons soaring through the skies, breathing fire and destruction upon their enemies, and the voice of the guide whispered words of encouragement and wisdom.

Morgana felt the familiar presence beside her, the cool touch of the otherworldly woman's hand on her forehead. She opened her eyes to find the ghostly figure standing over her, smiling down at her with a gentle smile.

"Child," the woman said, her voice like music, "You have the blood of the Dragon Kings within you," the guide said, their voice echoing in Morgana's mind. "Your ancestors gifted you with the power of the dragons, but it is up to you to learn how to control and wield them."

"How can I do that?" Morgana asked, sitting up in bed and wrapping her arms around her knees. "I don't know how to control my powers. I've only ever used them when I was angry or scared."

The woman smiled again, her eyes sparkling with knowledge. "There is much to learn, child. But I am here to guide you. Together, we will explore the depths of your abilities, and you will discover the true extent of your power."

The vision shifted to Morgana herself, standing before a great stone throne, her own dragons by her side. The guide's voice whispered in her ear, "You have the blood of the dragon within you, child. You are not just a Targaryen, you are a dragonrider."

Morgana sat up in bed, her heart racing. She couldn't believe what she had seen. Was it possible? Could she really be a dragonrider, like the legendary heroes of old?

Morgana sat up in bed, rubbing her temples as she tried to process what she had just experienced. She had alwys known that she was descended from the Targaryens, but she had never thought much about the implications of that fact. Now, it seemed that her Targaryen ancestry was more than just a matter of family history - it was the source of her strange and powerful abilities.

She remembered the story about the day of her birth, when a rare occurrence had taken place. Her mother, Queen Cersei, had given birth to her in the midst of a fierce storm, lightning flashing across the sky and thunder booming through the air. A comet had streaked across the sky, casting a shadow over the city. Some said it was a sign of good fortune, while others believed it was an omen of doom. It was said that the gods themselves had marked her birth with a display of power, signaling that she was destined for greatness.

Now, it seemed that the spirits were telling her that this was more than just a simple coincidence. She truly did possess the power of the dragons, and it was up to her to master them.

At first, Morgana had wished to dismiss it as mere fantasy, a product of her own vivid imagination. After all, she had alwys known that she had a small amount of Targaryen blood coursing through her veins, through her great grandmother, Rhaelle Targaryen, but she had nevr thought it would manifest itself in such an extraordinary way.

Morgana knew that it was something more. The comet was the moment when her own powers awakened, passed down to her from her Targaryen ancestors.

Morgana sighed, feeling both excited and terrified at the prospect. She knew that learning to control her powers would not be easy, but she was determined to do so. She could feel the potential within her, waiting to be unleashed.

After the spirit's first visit, Morgana had quickly learned that she possessed the ability to control the elements, mainly fire and air, just like her Targaryen ancestors. It was a rare gift, one that only a few members of House Targaryen had evrr wielded. But despite her best efforts, Morgana struggled to master her abilities.

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