More Dreams

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[King's Landing - Red Keep, Morgana's Chambers]

In the depths of the Red Keep, Princess Morgana Baratheon lay abed, lost in slumber once more. But she was not alone. Her spirit guide, a mysterious figure cloaked in shadows, stood watch over her, as it had so many times before.

Morgana had alwys thought these visitations were mere night terrors, a product of her own fevered imagination. But now, she knew better. This guide was real, and it had been sent to help her understand her true potential - a power that ran deep within her veins, passed down through the Targaryen ancestors who had ruled Westeros and sat the Iron Throne.

"My child," the guide whispered, its voice like a gentle breeze on a sumner day. "There is danger coming, Morgana," it warned. "The flames of faith are stirring, and the winds of change blow strong."

Morgana sat up, rubbing her eyes, confused. She saw the figure before her as clear as day. A woman, tall and statuesque, with skin like moonlight and hair like silver rain.

"What are you talking about? What danger?"

"A religious uprising, led by the High Sparrow and his Faith Militant. They seek to overthrow the crown and impose their own brand of righteousness upon the realm. You must be careful, child. Your family does not understand the threat, but you do. Use your powers wisely, and protect yourself and those you love."

Morgana sat up straight, her heart racing. She had heard rumblings of unrest among the faithful, but she had nevr imagined it could escalate to such extremes. The Faith Militant was a powerful force, one that would stop at nothing to defend their beliefs.

They had been disarmed by King Maegor I Targaryen.

"I thought they were disarmed by King Maegor."

"Yes, but their influence remains, simmering beneath the surface. If left unchecked, they will rise again, bringing destruction and chaos in their wake."

"How can we stop them?"

"Your Targaryen ancestors were powerful sorcerers and sorceresses, and their magic runs strong within you. But it is not just your lineage that makes you special - it is also your own innate gift, which you have yet to fully realize."

As Lyra spoke, visions began to swirl around them, depicting scenes of chaos and upheaval in King's Landing. Morgana saw the High Septon, garbed in his brown robes, rallying a mob of followers under the banner of the Faith Militant. She heard the sound of chanting voices, calling for reforms and demanding justice.

"Beware, my child," Lyra cautioned, her voice tinged with urgency. "There is a storm brewing in the city, one that threatens to consume all in its path. The High Sparrow and his followers seek to impose their will upon the realm, using religion as a weapon against those they deem to be sinners. You must be careful, for they will see your magic as a threat to their authority."

Morgana felt a shiver run down her spine as she watched the vision unfold. She knew that her brother, King Tommen, was already struggling to maintain control over the kingdom, and the last thing he needed was another conflict to contend with. But what could she do? She was only a princess.

"Do not worry, my child," Lyra said, reading her thoughts. "Your time will come. For now, simply be aware of the dangers that surround you. Use your gifts wisely, and trust in yourself and your destiny."

And with that, the vision faded away, leaving Morgana feeling both empowered and uneasy. She knew that she would soon face challenges beyond anything she had ever imagined, but she was determined to rise to meet them head-on. After all, she had the support of her ancestors and the guidance of her spirit guide to help her along the way.

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