Dragonpit Summit

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[Outside King's Landing]

Grey Worm and the Unsullied stand in formation in front of King's Landing. Jaime and the Lannister forces survey them from atop the rampart. Bronn walked the length of the rampart, overseeing the men.

In the courtyard, the soldiers worked, boiling pitch, filling barrels and rolling them up to the defensive wall.

"Oil?" Bronn asked.

"Pitch, my lord." One of the soldiers responded.

"How many barrels?"

"Five hundred, my lord."

"Get five hundred more."

"Yes, my lord."

The soldier exited and Bronn walked along the wall to Jaime.

"I still enjoy it when they call me "my lord." Bronn remarked.

"The thrill will fade."

"If we live that long. Men without cocks. You wouldn't find me fighting in an army if I had no cock. What's left to fight for?"


"I spent my lif around soldiers. What do you think they spend that gold on?"


"Not without a cock, you don't."

"Maybe it really is all cocks in the end."

"Yet your brother chooses to side with the cockless."

"Yes, he's always been a champion of the downtrodden."

A trumpet blared. Men howled and whooped in the distance, accompanied by thundering hoofbeats. The Dothraki crested the hill behind the disciplined unsullied army. They were savage and shrieking. They rode through and past the Unsullied.

"I think we're about to be the downtrodden." Bronn said.

Men began giving orders around them.

"Archers, stand tall!

"Cover that wall!"

On the sea outside of King's Landing, an Ironborn fleet rested next to the castle. More Ironborn ships approached.

[Deck of Ironborn Ship]

Tyrion, Theon and Varys stood on deck, looking to the distance as their ship sailed in. Tyrion joined Jon, Jorah, Missandei and Jorah on the foredeck.

"How many people live here?" Jon asked.

"A million, give or take." Tyrion responded.

"That's more people than the entire North crammed into that. Why would anyone want to live that way?"

"There's more work in the city. And the brothels are far superior."

Below deck, Sandor descended a staircase into a dark hold, bearing a lantern. He advanced carefully and stopped at a crate. He gave it one knock, and the Wight screeched in a frenzy, shaking his crate prison. Satisfied that the Wight was still alive, Sandor turned and exited.

[King's Landing - Royal Chamber]

Cersei, Qyburn and Jaime stood in a royal chamber.

"Why isn't she with them?" Cersei asked.

"I'm afraid I don't know, Your Grace. No one has seen her." Qyburn replied.

"And the rest of them?"

"They're on their way to the dragon pit now."

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