Red Wolf & A Mockingbird

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[King's Landing - Brothel, Littlefinger's Chambers] 

Sansa Stark sat in the opulent chambers of Petyr Baelish, the former master of coin and the man she had once thought of as her saviour. But now, she saw him for what he truly was - a manipulative, power-hungry schemer who had played a hand in the deaths of her father and youngest brother. The same man who had started the war that nearly cost her her mother and older brother. 

As part of the deal struck by Jon and Daenerys to secure the Vale Knights, Sansa had agreed to meet with Littlefinger, to hear his proposals and to decide if she would accept his offer. But Sansa had no intention of accepting anything from him. She had her own plans for Littlefinger, and they did not involve his survival.

Littlefinger, for his part, was confident in his own charm and charisma. He had always been skilled at manipulating those around him, and he saw no reason why Sansa would be any different. He began to speak, his voice low and seductive, as he poured her a glass of wine and leaned in close.

"My dear Sansa," he said, bowing low. "It's been too long since we've had a chance to speak. I must say, you look absolutely stunning today."

Sansa forced a smile and curtsied, trying to keep her cool. She had played this game before, and she had learned how to play it well. She leaned forward, her voice low and husky. "I've missed our little chats, Petyr. But I'm afraid I have little time for idle conversation. I trust you have come with news of our alliance."

Littlefinger's eyes narrowed, but he smiled, his lips curling up into a sly grin. "Ah, but that's where you're wrong, my dear. You see, I have a proposition for you. One that will benefit us both, I think."

Sansa leaned back in her chair, her heart racing with anticipation. She knew where this was going, and she was ready to play along. "Do tell," she purred, her voice dripping with sweetness. She knew that Littlefinger was cunning and ruthless, and she had to be careful not to let her guard down. But, she also knew that she needed his support if she was going to save her family and Westeros.

Littlefinger leaned in closer, his breath hot against her ear. "I propose that we... explore our feelings for each other. I've always had a soft spot for you, Sansa. You're so... delicate and refined. I could make you queen of the Seven Kingdoms, if you'd only let me."

Sansa's smile never wavered, but inside, she was seething. She had heard enough of his empty promises and manipulations. She had a different plan in mind, one that would see Littlefinger pay for his treachery.

Her heart raced as she played along, her mind racing with all the possible scenarios. She knew that she had to keep him close, no matter what. She couldn't let him know that she had no intention of ever being with him.

"I... I don't know, Lord Baelish," she said, her voice trembling. "I am not sure if I am ready for such... intimacy."

Littlefinger chuckled and took her hand, his touch sending shivers down her spine. "Ah, but that is where you are wrong, my dear. I assure you, I will make it worth your while. We will have so much fun together, you and I. We will be like two peas in a pod, ruling the Seven Kingdoms with an iron fist."

Sansa forced a smile and leaned in, playing along with his game. She knew that she had to keep him close, no matter what. She couldn't let him know that she had no intention of ever being with him. She would use him, just like he had used her, and when the time was right, she would strike. She would make him pay for his everything he had done, and she would save her family as well as the kingdom.

And so the game began. Littlefinger, convinced that he had the upper hand, began to reveal his plan. He would help Sansa secure the loyalty of the Vale Knights, in exchange for her...favours. But what he didn't realize was that Sansa had a plan of her own. A plan to use his own tactics against him, to bring him down to his knees and make him pay for his treachery.

And so, as they played their game of seduction and manipulation, Sansa Stark smiled to herself. For she knew that she was the one who would emerge victorious in the end.

[King's Landing - Hostel, Solar]

Sansa sat in the solar, sipping a cup of tea and listening to Jon and Daenerys talk about their next battle against the Night King.

As the conversation turned to Lord Petyr Baelish, however, Sansa's thoughts drifted elsewhere. She had met with Littlefinger earlier that day, and the conversation had been...unsettling.

"So, what did he want?" Daenerys asked, noticing Sansa's distant expression.

"He...he wants me to marry him," Sansa said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Jon and Daenerys exchanged a look of shock. "What? Why?" Jon asked.

"He thinks I share his feelings," Sansa explained. "Honestly, I believe he views me as a second chance with my mother."

Dany and Jon exchanged a look of confusion, and Dany spoke up. "What do you mean? What does he have to do with your mother?"

Sansa took a seat, trying to compose herself before recounting the story of her past. "Before she was betrothed to my father she was betrothed to Jon and I's Uncle Brandon. Littlefinger challenged him to a duel for my mother's hand. Of course, he lost. Now, he sees me as a second chance."

Daenerys's eyes narrowed. "And what did you say to him?"

"I told him I would consider his offer...but I already have a king," Sansa said, looking at Jon. "I will not betray Robb's trust."

Jon nodded, but his expression was troubled. "We need to be careful, Sansa. Littlefinger is a snake. He will stop at nothing to get what he wants."

Dany leaned forward, her eyes filled with compassion. "This a heavy burden to carry, Sansa. But why do you think he wants you now, after all these years?"

Sansa hesitated before answering. "I think he sees me as a way to gain power and influence in the North. He believes that if he can win my hand in marriage, he can use me to control the North and gain their support in his ascent to the Throne. He wants the throne, and he hopes that anyone with a claim to the Iron Throne will die in battle against the Night King, leaving him free to marry me and take the throne for himself."

Jon's jaw clenched in anger. "We can't let him do that, Sansa. We'll protect you from him."

Sansa smiled weakly, grateful for her brother's support. "Thank you, Jon. But I fear it may not be that simple. Littlefinger is cunning and ruthless. He will stop at nothing to achieve his goals."

Dany nodded thoughtfully. "We will have to be vigilant, then. But for now, let us focus on the present. We have a war to win, and we need your help to do so."

Sansa nodded, her mind racing. She knew that she had to be careful, but she also knew that she could not simply dismiss Littlefinger's offer. He had too much power, and he would not hesitate to use it against her if she refused him. She had trusted him once, and he had betrayed her.

She would have to play this carefully, she thought. Very carefully.

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