News Of Starks Reaches The Capital

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[King's Landing - Red Keep, Small Council Chamber]

In the small council chamber, the members of the Small Council gathered around the table, their faces somber as they discussed the latest developments in the war-torn kingdom. Lord Tywin Lannister sat at the head of the table, his sharp mind racing with strategies and tactics as he listened to the reports from his advisors.

He was not a happy man, but he had just received some news that made him feel a little better.

"My lord," said one of his advisors, "we have word from the north that Lord Karstark and his men have abandoned Robb Stark."

Tywin leaned back in his chair and steepled his fingers together. "That is most...interesting," he said. "And what else do we know?"

"We also have word, my lord, that your granddaughter, Morgana Baratheon, has been crowned queen in the North," another advisor spoke up. "She is married to Robb Stark, and it is rumoured that she is carrying his child."

Tywin's expression turned into a sly smile. This was exactly the kind of news he wanted to hear. His own daughter, Cersei, had always been determined to keep her children away from the Starks, but it seemed that Morgana had other ideas. And now, with Morgana married to Robb and carrying his child, Tywin could finally see a way to secure the North for himself.

For Tywin, this was good news. It meant that his granddaughter was now the Queen of the North, and her child would inherit the throne after her. This would be a victory for House Lannister, securing their influence over the region for generations to come.

Tyrion, Tywin's youngest son, had refused to consummate his marriage to Sansa Stark, claiming that he did not love her. But with Morgana pregnant with Robb's child, Tyrion's refusal to produce an heir became less of an issue. Now, Tywin could use his granddaughter's pregnancy to further solidify his grip on power.

"This is a great victory for us," Tywin declared, his voice filled with triumph.

Cersei, seated at her father's right hand, leaned forward, her eyes glinting with interest. "What do you propose we do, Father?" she asked, her voice sweet as honey.

Tywin steepled his fingers together, his thoughts racing. He had always known that marrying his daughter to Robb Stark would be a strategic move, but he had never expected it to bear such fruit so quickly. "We will continue to press our advantage in the North," he declared. "Robb Stark is weakened, and with Lord Karstark's abandonment, he is now more vulnerable than ever. We must strike while the iron is hot."

"But what of my daughter, Father?" Cersei interjected, her voice tinged with concern. "Will she be safe?"

Tywin waved a dismissive hand. "Do not worry, daughter. My granddaughter is now the Queen in the North, and as such, she is under my protection. No harm shall come to her, nor to her child once they are born. Our goal is still to bring the North under our control, and having a member of our family on the throne will only strengthen our position. With Morgana's child set to inherit the North, we need not worry about the Starks any longer. They are weakened, divided, and without a true leader. We can crush them beneath our heel and expand our empire even further."

The other members of the Small Council nodded in agreement, but one of them dared to speak out against Tywin's callous plan.

He dismissed the members, all but his daughter.

"Your daughter, Morgana, will soon be returning to you."

Cersei felt a jolt of shock run through her body. She knew that her daughter was her only legitimate child, born of her union with King Robert Baratheon.

Tywin leaned forward, his eyes glinting with excitement. "Your son-in-law, Robb Stark, will soon met his end."

Cersei felt a stab of shock, but she kept her composure. She knew that Tywin had orchestrated Robb's death, just as he had arranged for the murders of her other sons. But she also knew that she could not show any weakness in front of Joffrey.

"How...unfortunate," she said, her voice steady. "But what does this have to do with me?"

Tywin smiled, clearly enjoying himself. "Ah, my dear Cersei. You see, your daughter, Morgana, will be a widow. And with her late husband's death, she inherits his title and well as his unborn child."

Cersei's mind raced as she pieced together the implications. Morgana, her daughter by King Robert Baratheon, would soon return to Kings Landing, pregnant with the child of her Stark husband. And with that child, the Lannisters would have a claim to the North, through their own bloodline.

She felt a surge of triumph, knowing that her family's grip on power would only grow stronger. But she also felt a pang of guilt, knowing that her daughter would be returning home under such tragic circumstances.

"When can we expect Morgana to arrive?" she asked, trying to keep her emotions in check.

Tywin shrugged. "Any day now. She should be here within the week."

Cersei nodded, her thoughts already turning to how she would spin this to her advantage. With Morgana's return, the Lannisters would once again solidify their hold on the Seven Kingdoms. And with her grandchild, the future of the Lannister dynasty looked brighter than ever before.

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