A New King & Tyrion's Trial

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[King's Landing - Red Keep, Throne Room]

Princess Morgana Baratheon made her way through the halls of the Red Keep, towards the throne room, for her brother, Tommen's, coronation. She couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. She was five montgs pregnant with her husband Robb Stark's twins and the weight of her growing belly was a constant reminder of the new life that was soon to come. But amidst the excitement of impending motherhood, there was also a sense of unease. Her uncle Tyrion's trial for killing Joffrey was fast approaching, and the thought of what might happen if he was found guilty weighed heavy on her mind.

As she entered the Great Hall, Morgana was struck by the grandeur of the scene before her. The room was filled with lords and ladies, all dressed in their finest clothes, and the air was thick with the scent of perfume and sweat.

Morgana took her place among the other members of the royal family, trying to keep her growing belly from getting too much attention.

The High Septon led the coronation of Tommen Baratheon, Ser Jaime Lannister patrolling in the back.

"May the Warrior grant him courage and protect him in these perilous times. May the Smith grant him strength that he might bear this heavy burden. And may the Crone, she that knows the fate of all men, show him the path he must walk and guide him through the dark places that lie ahead. In the light of the Seven, I now proclaim Tommen of the House Baratheon First of His Name. King of the Andals and the First Men and Lord of the Seven Kingdoms. Long may he reign!" The High Septon placed the crown on Tommen's head.

"Long may he reign!" The crowd chorused before erupting in applause.

Tommen bowed before exchanging a look with Margaery Tyrell, his brother, and late uncle's, widow.

"Special day." The High Septon commented.

The court proceeded to the Sept of Baelor.

There, Tommen sat on the Throne, accepting oaths. His grandfather, Tywin Lannister stood beside him and his mother and sister stood nearby.

Morgana hadn't miss the look between Margaery and her brother in the Throne Room, and it appeared she wasn't the only one as she caught Margaery gazing at her youngest brother yet again.

Morgana watched as her mother approached her brother's widow.

The lady was clad in black, but did not appear very mournful. Not that Morgana could blame her. Marriage to Joffrey would have been a nightmare.

But, she could have at least attempted to put on a more convincing facade as the widow of the late King.

To Morgana, Margaery was a master manipulator, using her charm and grace to win the hearts of the common folk.

On one hand, Margaery's dedication to her family and her people was admirable. She worked tirelessly to improve their lives, and her charisma and beauty won over many hearts. But on the other hand, Morgana knew that Margaery's actions were not driven by true passion or loyalty. She did everything for show, to create a certain perception of herself among the common folk.

As she observed Margaery more closely, Morgana began to see beyond the facade. She noticed the subtle calculations in Margaery's eyes, the way she always kept her distance from those she considered beneath her, even the smallest members of her own household. And suddenly, Morgana realized that Margaery wasn't so different from her after all. Both were players in this game of thrones, each using their wits and charm to achieve their own ends.

"Your Grace." Margaery greeted as Cersei stood next to her, both of them watching as people bowed before Tommen.

"There he is."

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