Did You Do It?

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[King's Landing - Great Sept, Cells]

The Septa holds water out to Cersei. "Confess."

"My son. Let me speak to-"

She slapped Cersei with a spoon. "Confess. I meant it."

"My face will be the last thing you see before-"

The septa slapped her with the spoon again before leaving.

When she did, Cersei began screaming.

After some time, the door opened again.

Qyburn entered the cell and bowed. "The trial will take place. The High Sparrow will be presenting a substantial case against you."

"The charges?"

"Fornication, treason, incest, the murder of King Robert."

"All lies."

"Of course, Your Grace. My concern is that the Faith does not adhere to the same standards as the crown. And I hope you'll excuse me for saying it, but belief is so often the death of reason."

"I wish you'd said it sooner. Any word from Jaime?"

"I'm afraid not. Hopefully soon. But, Ser Swann has been accompanied by Prince Oberyn's eldest daughter to hunt down the man who tried to kill Princess Myrcella, and did kill her sworn shield, Ser Arys Oakheart." He informed her. "Your Grace, Grand Maestar Pycelle has summoned your Uncle Kevan back from Casterly Rock to serve as Hand of the King. He now presides over the small council."

"I'm telling you, it was Tyrion who hired that man. He's still trying to punish me from wherever he is." She told him. "Tell my Uncle I need to speak to him."

"I implored him to visit you, but he would not."

"What about my son, the king? If you can visit me then surely the king-"

"Your arrest, and Queen Margaery's arrest, the king has not taken well. He remains in his chambers, his servants often find his food in the hall. Left untouched."

"You need to talk to him, you need to talk to my son to come and see me, come and see his mother."

"I tried my grace, he wouldn't see me. He wouldn't see anyone."

"What about my daughter?"

"Much the same as the King. She refuses to leave her chambers, but unlike the King does not refuse food. I'm told her only visitor is her handmaiden."

"I can't stay here. My children need me."

"There is a way, Your Grace. A way out."

"Confess? To the High Sparrow? I won't. I made him. I rose him up from nothing, I will not kneel before some barefooted commoner and beg his forgiveness."

The septa from earlier re-entered the room.

"Goodbye my queen. The work continues." Qyburn told her before leaving the cell.

The Septa held out a spoon of water again. "Thirsty? Confess."

"I'll get out of here, you realize. Before long."


"I can make you a wealthy woman. A lady of the court."


"I can make sure you die in the most hideous way possible, and all I do is sit here imagining ways for you to die."

The Septa dumped the water out on the floor. Cersei licked it from the floor after she left.

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