Stark Forces Occupy Harrenhal & News From Riverrun

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[Outside Harrenhal]

Horses trotted as Robb Stark's army was on the move.

"We should set the siege lines a thousand yards from Harrenhal." Roose Bolton told his King.

"There won't be a siege. The Mountain can't defend a ruin."

"I imagine the Mountain will defend whatever Tywin Lannister tells him to defend."

"The Lannisters have been running from us since Oxcross. I'd love a fight. The men would love a fight. I don't think we're going to get one."

Shortly after, Robb's forces arrived at Harrenhall. Robb surveyed the courtyard which littered with bodies. Flies buzzed noisily among the corpses. Rickard Karstark and Roose Bolton enter.

"Two hundred Northmen slaughtered like sheep." Rickard Karstark said.

"The debt will be repaid, my friend. For them and for your sons." Roose Bolton told him.

"Will it? They rot in the ground while their killer runs free."

"The Kingslayer won't remain free for long. My best hunters are after him."

Robb and Catelyn walked somberly through the courtyard. Catelyn stopped at a body propped against a section of wooden spikes, a blade through his heart.

Robb walked up behind her and looked at the sigil on the man's chest. "A Mallister?"

"Ser Jeremy. My father's bannerman."

Robb looked over at Rickard Karstark and Roose Bolton and the two men exited. He glanced around at his soldiers atop the walls and throughout the courtyard and stepped back from his mother.

"Find her a chamber that will serve as a cell." He told his men.

A Stark soldier nodded and left. Catelyn looked down as she was escorted away from her son by a group of soldiers.

Morgana approached Robb, followed by Sirena and Talisa, watching as Catelyn was lead away. "She's your mother."

"She freed Jaime Lannister. The Lannisters robbed them of their sons and she robbed them of their justice."

A cough was heard nearby.

They looked over to see one of the men they had thought to be dead was moving.

Talisa rushed to tend to him.

"Water. Water."

His voice was barely audible.

"This needs to be cleaned and closed." Talisa told them.

Robb held a waterskin to the man's mouth and he took a few gulps.

"What's your name, friend?"


"You're lucky to be alive." Talisa told him.


A bird cawed as Talisa set to treating Qyburn's injuries.

[Harrenhal Chamber]

Robb looked pensievely into a fire while Morgana stood nearby.

"My mother alwys told me you Northerners were a grim lot. Grim, bearded, stinking barbarians." She walked over to Robb and half-embraced him.

"Did you ever think you'd marry one?"

"No, nevr. If my mother had it her way, I would have been wed to a Southern lord, preferably one loyal to House Lannister."

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