Walk Of Atonement

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[King's Landing - Great Sept, Cersei's Cell]

Cersei was huddled in the corner. She shuddered as the door opened.

"Confess. Confess." The woman repeated the only words she spoke to Cersei.

Cersei looked up to the Septa.

[King's Landing - Great Sept Of Baelor - High Sparrow's Room]

Cersei knelt before the High Sparrow in the room where she was taken away.

"I have sinned. I see that now. How could I have been so blind for so long? I want to be clean again. I want absolution. The Crone came to me with her lamp raised high, and its holy light-" She began.

"You wish to make a confession?"

"Once I've confessed, will I be free?"

"Your Grace will be dealt with according to her sins."

"The Mother have mercy then. I lay with a man outside the bonds of marriage, I confess."

"Name him."

"Lancel Lannister."

"Your cousin. And the King's squire."

"I was lonely and afraid."

"You had a husband."

"A husband of whoring every chance he got."

"His sins do not pardon your own."

Yes. It truly was a man's world. Men could f*ck they wanted without anyone batting an eye. Yet, when women did the same, they were branded harlots, she devils, seductresses.

"May the gods forgive me." Cersei replied.

"Other men?"


"No others?"


"Speaking falsehoods before the Gods is a great crime. You understand this?"

"I do."

"There are those who say your three youngest children were not fathered by King Robert. That they are bastards born of incest and adultery."

"A lie. A lie from the lips of Stannis Baratheon. He wants the Throne, but his brother's children stand in his way, so he claims they are not his brothers'. The filth. There is not one shred of truth to it. I deny it."

"Good. But these are terrible charges. And the realm must know the truth of them. If Your Grace has given honest testimony, your trial will prove your innocence."

"Trial? I have confessed?"

"To a single sin. Others you have denied. Your trial will separate the truths from the falsehoods."

"I bow to the wisdom of your High Holiness. But if I might beg for just one drop of the Mother's mercy. I haven't seen my son or daughters... I don't know how long it's been. I need to see them. Please."

"You have taken the first step on a path back to righteousness. In light of this, I will permit you to return to the Red Keep."

"Thank you. Thank you."

"The Mother is merciful. It is her you should thank."

"I will, I will. I swear it, day and night."


"Am I free to go?"

"After your atonement."

"My atonement?"

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