Queen Of Thorns

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[King's Landing - Great Sept Of Baelor]

"You there! Where would I find the High Septon, or High Sparrow, or whatever bloody fool name he's got." Olenna said as she entered the sept.

"It's not as good a name as Queen of Thorns, I'll admit." The main said. Only then, did she realize it was the High Sparrow himself.

"You should have the decency to stand when you talk to a lady."

"You should have the decency to kneel before the gods-"

"Don't spar with me, little fellow."

The High Septon stood up. "For me, it's the knees. You?"



"A man of the people, is that your game? It's an old game. Dull and unconvincing. A man of the people who does Cersei's dirty work for her."

"The people alwys do the dirty work."

"Spare me the homilies. I can smell a fraud from a mile away."

"A useful talent."

"I'm here for my granddaughter, and my grandson once he returns."

"Your granddaughter swore sacred vows and lied. The Father judges us all. Sons and daughters of high lords, sons and daughters of fishermen. If you break his laws, you will be punished."

The High Sparrow headed for the door.

"Don't you walk away from me."

"You don't give commands here, Lady Olenna."

"What is it you want? Gold? I'll make you the richest septon who evrr lived."

The High Sparrow paused, laughing.

"What then?"

"I imagine this is strange for you. Everyone you meet has a hidden motive, and you pride yourself on slitting in and out. But I'm telling you a simple truth: I serve the gods. The gods demand justice."

"How do they communicate their demands? By raven or horse?"

"By the holy text. The seven pointed star. If you don't have one in your library I'll give you my own."

"I've read the seven pointed star." Olenna told him, a tone of contempt evident in her voice.

"Then you'll remember the passages concerning buggery and perjury. Your granddaughter will be punished in the same manner as anyone who breaks the sacred laws."

"Half the men, women, and children in this foul city break the sacred laws. You live among murderers, thieves, and rapists. And yet you punish Margaery for alleged shagging?"

"Yes. The Gods' laws must be applied to all equally."

"If it's equality you want then so be it. When House Tyrell stops sending our crops to the capital, everyone here will starve. And I'll make sure the hungry know who to blame."

"Have you ever served the field, Lady Olenna? Have you ever reaped the grain? Has anyone in House Tyrell? A lifetimr of wealth and power has left you blind in one eye. You are the few. We are the many. And when the many stop fearing the few..." He walked out of the room.

Once she exited the sept, a squire was waiting outside.

"Lady Olenna." He handed her a letter with Baelish's mockingbird sigil.

[King's Landing - Dining Room]

As Princess Morgana Baratheon sat at the dinner table with her family, she couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Her husband, Robb Stark, was still in hiding in Volantis, and she had just given birth to their twin sons, Eddard and Robert, only a few dais ago. But, despite the joy of her newborn babies, Morgana knew that the world outside these castle walls was not a safe place for them.

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