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[Dorne - Water Gardens]

As expected, Doran quickly put his plan into motion.

They all travelled to the Water Gardens where Myrcella was residing.

When they arrived, Jaime was led to a room where they could speak with Myrcella, who was now well enough to stand, at least for a short time.

"Prince Doran hopes this satisfies your concerns about the princess's wellbeing." Areo said as he brought Myrcella into the room.

"You looked different when I left. You had more hair."

"And more hands." Jaime quipped. "How's Trystane?"

"He is alright. He is very kind."

"I'm sorry for this. It wasn't supposed to happen this way."

"Why is it happening at all?"

"Your mother's worried about you. Threats have been made. Dorne is too dangerous for you. I've come to take you home." He finally took the time to get a look at her. "And not a moment too soon. What happened to your ear?!"

"It was the act of a rogue man, Gerold Dayne." She said, not really elaborating. "Besides, this is my home, this has been my home for years. I didn't want to come here but she told me to. I did what she said, I did my duty and now she's forcing me to go back?"

"It's for your own good. These are complicated matters."

"It's not complicated at all, it's simple. I love Trystane, I'm going to marry him, and we're staying right here."

"I don't understand."

"Of course you don't! You don't know me!"

Myrcella stood and was about to exit the room.

She paused as Doran was wheeled in, followed closely by Ellaria.

"Leaving so soon, Princess?"

"My Uncle and I have nothing left to talk about. My mother wants me back in King's Landing, to visit her and my siblings."

"And you do not want the same?"

"Of course I miss my siblings. But I am enjoying life in Dorne, with Trystane."

"Very well. I will not stop you if you wish to leave. Perhaps reconsider to ensure this is what you truly want."

"Thank you, Prince Doran," she curtsied before leaving the room.

"The older they get, the more they seem to think they know."

"Aye. I'll have to take your word for it."

"I suppose so," Doran agreed. "Who were the men you brought on your journey?"

"Ser Bronn of the Blackwater, my brother's former sellsword, and Ser Willem Fowler, my niece's sworn shield."

"Ah, I must admit, I have only heard of Ser Bronn, but I know Ser Fowler's family quite well. His father was unable to attend the feast. Instead, he sent Willem's twin sisters, Jeyne and Jennelyn."

"Ah yes, I believe he is reuniting with them."

"You know, your father's have something in common. Their sons, in Lord Fowler's case, his only son, turned away from becoming an acting Lord in favour of serving as a protector for the Royal family."

"I suppose they do. Bt, that is where the similarities end, I'm afraid. My father is dead, Lord Fowler is not."

"Aye, that is true." Doran acknowledged.

"Perhaps we should began preparing for their departure." Ellaria interjected when an awkward silence fell between the men. "Surely the Princess will change her mind. I mean, it's only a short visit. Then, she can return and resume preparations for her wedding to Trystane."

"Aye, you're right." Doran agreed and Jaime nodded.

Later, Jaime sat in his chambers, writing a letter when Ellaria entered.

"You write like a seven year old."

"Your maester kindly agreed to copy it over for me."

"He didn't try to make you pay?" She scoffed. "Then maybe he's changed. The Queen will be thrilled to know you'll be bringing her daughter home."

Myrcella had indeed changed her mind, if only to placate her mother from interfering with her betrothal to Trystane.

"She will."

"You love her very much, don't you?"

"Of course, she's my niece."

"I wasn't talking about her."

Jaime looked up from his writing at Ellaria.

"You think I disapprove. Why? Because people disapprove of that sort of thing where you are from? They disapproved of Oberyn and me where you are from. Here, no one blinked an eye. 100 years ago, no one would have blinked an eye at you if you had been named Targaryen. It's always changing, who we're supposed to love and who we're not.The only thing that stays the same is that we want who we want." Ellaria paused, taking a walks around the room. "I know your daughter had no part in the terrible thing that happened to the man I love. Perhaps even you were innocent of that."

Ellaria exited the room, leaving Jaime alone.

He had sent Willem on ahead once he had finished reuniting with his sisters, knowing his niece was likely missing the comfort of her sworn shield.

While, he and Bronn remained behind to escort Myrcella and Trystane back to King's Landing.

Meanwhile, in Doran's solar, he had gather his daughter and nieces, Nymeria and Tyene. Obara had already left with Ser Swann to hunt down Darkstar. But, Ser Swann had seen the Princess before leaving on their quest, and send word to the Queen.

As alwys, Areo Hotah stood nearby, ready to eliminate any and all threats.

"It would bring me much comfort if you travelled with your cousin. Ser Swann may be gone, but there's no way of knowing if he told someone to carry out the plot on his behalf."

Both girls nodded.

"Now, I will tell you what I told your sister before she left. If there is any change in your father's condition, or he wakes, I will write to you immediately."

"Thank you Uncle," the two girls chorused in unison.

"Now, please promise me you will be mindful of where it is you are headed. I assigned each of you a task suited to your strengths, but it is still the Capital. I do not wish for your father to wake and I must tell him he has lost two daughters to the city that stole our sister and her children."

"Don't worry, Uncle," Tyenne began.

"We will." Nymeria finished.

Both girls gave him a hug, under the watchful eye of Areo, before turning and leaving.

After they had left, Doran turned to his captain of guards. "Sending more of my family to the Capital. Much like Starks, Martells do not seem to fare well in King's Landing. I can only hope I have not sent them to their deaths."

"You have done what you needed to do." Areo replied.

"Yes. Let us hope they break the curse King's Landing has on our family."

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