Return Of The Sister

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[King's Landing - Blackwater Bay]

Hearing of the impending arrival of Myrcella and company, Tommen, Cersei, and Morgana stood on the Blackwater Bay, watching the ships in the distance.

Cersei had left Gregor, or "Robert", in the Keep upon hearing news of one of Oberyn's daughters travelling to fill his seat on the Small Council. She couldn't risk them finding out she had sent them a false skull. At least, not yet.

Morgana had heard rumours of Myrcella's growing beauty and grace, and she longed to see her sister again, to hold her in her arms and feel the warmth of her embrace.

She stood on the shimmering shores of Blackwater Bay, her dark hair blowing in the salty breeze as she gazed out at the horizon. She had been waiting for what felt like an eternity for the return of her beloved sister, Myrcella, who had been sent to Dorne to be betrothed to Prince Trystanethe son of the Dornish Prince, as part of a fragile peace treaty between their families.

Two of Morgana's handmaidens stood nearby, carrying her two infant sons, Eddard and Robert. The boys were laughing and giggling, their small hands waving in the air, and Morgana's heart swelled with love for them. She knew that she must introduce them to Myrcella, to show her the beauty and the joy that she had brought into the world.

They watched multiple ships pass, none were carrying Myrcella.

Finally one of the ships began heading in their direction.

"That's her!" Tommen exclaimed, causing Morgana to smile.

With his wife imprisoned, Tommen had very few reasons to smile. But, his sister's return was certainly one of them.

They all waited eagerly as the ship neared.

It was a grand vessel, its sails emblazoned with the sigil of House Martell.

Once it had docked, Tommen and Morgana were keeping an eye out for their sister.

First came their Uncle (or in Tommen's case, father), followed quickly by Bronn. A few soldiers also departed the vessel.

After watching multiple people leave the ship, a head of blonde hair came into sight.

It was Myrcella, followed by whom Morgana could only assume was her betrothed, as well as two other women.

Morgana's heart raced as the ship docked and her sister stepped off the deck, looking more beautiful than evrr.

Now closer, Morgana noticed one of the women accompanying them had olive skin and dark hair, while the other, a Septa, had fair skin, blonde hair peeking out of her hood and blue eyes.

She allowed Tommen to hug their sister first.

Myrcella was tall and slender, with long blonde hair and piercing green eyes that sparkled with joy as she saw Morgana. The two sisters embraced, tears streaming down their faces as they held each other tight.

"I've missed you so much," Myrcella whispered, her voice trembling with emotion.

"I've missed you too," Morgana replied, her own voice choked with emotion. "I've missed you so much. Welcome back, sister. I'm sorry to hear about your ear."

"No matter. It no longer hurts as much."

As they pulled back from their embrace, Morgana introduced her sons to her sister. "This is Eddard and Robert," she said, holding out her arms for her handmaidens so that Myrcella could see the infants. "They are my children, born of my love for Robb Stark."

Myrcella's eyes widened in surprise, but she smiled and reached out to touch the babies' soft skin. "They are beautiful," she said, her voice filled with wonder. "Just like their mother."

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