Hidden In Plain Sight

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[Harrenhal - Council Room]

Lord Tywin Lannister was meeting with his war council. Lady Arya Stark came in to serve wine.

Upon his arrival, he had passed by the pen where they were holding prisoners, including those from the Night's Watch caravan. Those who weren't killed, anyway.

He was talking with some of his guards when one of them noticed a standing Arya and swung their sword at her, threatening to cut out her lungs.

Luckily, or unluckily, depending on how you viewed it, Lord Tywin realized she was a girl and ordered her to be brought to him as his new cupbearer. He also didn't realize this was the very girl his daughter had allowed to flee the Capital, following her father's execution.

"Can you read?" Tywin asked Amory Lorch.

"My lord?"

"Can you read?"

Amory stared blankly.

"This letter detailing our infantry movements was meant for Lord Damon of House Marbrand. It was sent to Lord Marlyn of House Dormand."

"My apologies, my lord. I must have-"

"Girl, fetch me the History of the Greater and the Lesser Houses. It's the one on this-"

Arya picked up the correct volume right away and brought it to the table. Tywin chuckled as he stood.

"My cupbearer can read better than you." Tywin opened the book. "To whom does House Dormand owe allegiance?"

"My lord, I-"

"To the Starks of Winterfell! Who have twenty thousand men and my son! I judged you might be good for something more than brutalizing peasants. I see I overestimated you. If you ever put my son's life at risk again, I'll-Leave us."

Amory rose and left.

"Put the book away, girl. Maybe you should devise our next battle plan while you're about it."

There was a knock on the door and a Kingsguard entered.

"Lord Petyr Baelish." He announced.

"Mmm. Give us the room." Tywin commanded.

The war council left.

"Clear all this." He told her as Littlefinger entered.

"Lord Tywin."

"Baelish." Tywin returned, not amused at his sudden appearance.

Arya continued to clear the table.

"Wine?" Tywin offered.

"Thank you."

Arya took a deep breath as they sat at the table. She did not want Littlefinger to recognize her but she must also attend to Tywin without raising his suspicions.

"What news from the capital?"

"I traveled here directly from Renly Baratheon's camp."

"Ah, the late King Renly. Rather a short reign. Murdered by a woman, I hear."

"So they say. There has been talk of other forces at work. Dark forces."

Arya served wine to Littlefinger, who raised his glass to his lips. Arya tried to walk away from the table, but Tywin stopped her and handed her more to clear.

"Here. Men love to blame demons when their grand plans unravel."

"It is my belief that a moment of chaos affords opportunities lost soon after."

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