King's Nameday

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[King's Landing - Red Keep]

Today was the new King's nameday, and a tournament was being held in his honour.

The young king sat proudly upon his throne, watching as the knights fought for his amusement. But amidst all the celebration, one person was noticeably absent - Princess Morgana, Joffrey's own sister.

It was well known that Morgana did not share her brother's love for the spotlight, preferring instead to spend her time lost in the pages of ancient tomes and forgotten scrolls. And so, as the day wore on and the tournament drew to a close, whispers began to circulate among the courtiers and guests that the princess had failed to make an appearance.

But then, just as the final match was about to begin, a group of guards appeared at the entrance to the library where Morgana was supposed to be hiding. "Your Highness," they called out, their voices echoing through the silent room. "His Majesty requests your presence in the great hall."

Morgana looked up from the book she had been reading, her eyes flashing with annoyance. She knew full well why her brother wanted her to come out - he simply could not bear the thought of being the center of attention without her by his side. But she also knew that refusing would only lead to further trouble, so reluctantly she rose from her seat and followed the guards out of the library.

As she made her way through the halls, heads turned and whisperings broke out once again. Many of the nobles present remembered the rumors that had circulated after Lord Stark's execution - rumors that Morgana had shown signs of dark magic, her eyes glowing with an otherworldly light as she screamed in grief. They eyed her warily now, wondering if perhaps these stories were true, and whether this strange, reclusive princess might be more dangerous than anyone had imagined.

As she neared the celebrations, she nearly ran into her loyal handmaiden, Sirena, whom had been away, looking after her ailing father.

She knew that Sirena had been struggling to balance her duties at the keep with caring for her sick parent, so she had offered her a temporary leave of absence.

"Ah, Sirena! I'm glad to see you back at the Red Keep. How is your father?"

"My apologies, my lady," Sirena said with a curtsy, her voice soft and weary from the long journey. She quickly fell into step with the princess. "He is doing muc better, princess. The coin you were gracious enough to provide allowed me to provide the medicine he needed."

"Ah, yes. I apologize for not having any of the herbs necessary in my stores."

She had always been fascinated by the healing properties of plants and spent hours each day tending to them, experimenting with different combinations to create new remedies.

Despite the challenges she faced as a woman in a world dominated by men, Morgana found solace in her studies and the companionship of those like Sirena, who understood and shared her passions.

They eventually reached her brother's celebrations.

"Ah, sister! Glad to see you made it to your King's nameday celebrations."

"But of course. There is absolutely nothing else I'd rather be doing."

He glared before turning back to watch The Hound.

The Hound and the other man grunted as they dueled, men and women looking on from nearby.

Finally, The Hound knocked the other man's shield away, and knocked him off of a wall.

"Well struck..." Joffrey muttered to himself before repating it louder. "Well struck, Dog."

The Hound removed his helmet Joffrey turns to Sansa.

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