Dornish Conversations

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[Dorne - Water Gardens]

Ellaria coiled her first in rage, a bracelet with a viper's mouth coiling around her hand.

Her paramour, Oberyn Martell, had just been grievously injured in a trial by combat against the Mountain, and she could barely contain her rage. How dare that monster hurt the man she loved! And to make matters worse, her lover's own brother, Prince Dorne, seemed uninterested in seeking revenge.

She glowered from the balcony as she watched Trystane Martell escorting Myrcella through the Water Gardens. Trystane looked up and noticed her.

"We do not hurt little girls in Dorne," she muttered to herself, remembering her lover's words.

As easy as it would be to sink into grief and want vengeance, Ellaria knew there had to be another way.

Dorne had lost so much due to the Lannisters (and Baratheons). There had to be a way to avoid a full-on war, but still receive justice for their fallen and harmed, and make sure they understood what true loss felt like.

Ellaria walked towards Doran's place on the balcony but was blocked by Areo Hotah.

"The prince does not wish to be disturbed." He told her.

"Remove yourself from my path, or I'll take that long axe and shove it-"

"Captain. Let her pass."

Areo reluctantly stepped to the side. Ellaria approached Prince Doran who was staring at the Water Gardens from his wheelchair.

"Your brother was almost murdered, and you sit here at the Water Gardens, staring at the sky and doing nothing."

"Oberyn was injured during a trial by combat. By law, that is not murder, or attempted murder."

"Your brother-"

"You don't have to remind me. He was my brother long before he was anything to you."

"What will you do about his ailment?"

"I will pray for him."

"You would have me go to war?" Of course she didn't mean it. War meant the possibility of losing even more people she cared about.

"You would have me go to war?" Doran returned.

"The whole country would have you go to war."

"Then we are lucky the whole country does not decide."

"The Sand Snakes are with me. They have the love of their people. They will avenge your father while you sit here in your chair doing nothing."

Doran said nothing.

"Oberyn is still unconscious. And this Lannister girl skips about the Water Gardens eating our food, breathing our air. How many of your brothers and sisters do they have to harm? Cersei deserves to know what it feels like to care about someone so much and come close to losing them."

"I love my brother. And you have made him very happy. For that you will alwys have a place in my heart. But we do not mutilate little girls for vengeance. Not here. Not while I rule."

"And how long will that be?" She asked. "You know, you're lucky you're brother has frequently reminded me that we do hurt little girls in Dorne. That it would make us no better than them." Nothing left to say, she walked away.

Areo went back to guarding the door and Doran shook his head.

Ellaria made her way back to her chambers where she found her eldest daughters as well as Arianne Martell, the heir to Dorne, and Doran's only daughter.

The four women were known for their cunning and bravery, and Ellaria knew they would stop at nothing to right this wrong.

"What is this?"

"We heard you seek vengeance for our father's near demise," Obara, the eldest of the Sand Snakes, said.

"What if we had another option?" Tyenne asked.

"Like what?"

"According to Dornish law, the eldest child, regardless of gender, inherits their family's titles. Princess Morgana is the eldest, and apparently only trueborn child, of Robert Baratheon. We could have her crowned Queen of the Seven Kingdoms." Arianne stated.

"Her brother is King."

"Yes. But, there is enough talk about the legitimacy of Tommen and Myrcella. We may not care about it here in Dorne, but the rest of Westeros does. Besides, I've heard how beloved she is by the smallfolk. She grants them food, clothes, toys. Long before Margaery Tyrell did."

"What does your father say about this?"

"He doesn't know. He can't. You see, I love my father, but he is ineffective. His sister was murdered by the Lannisters and now Oberyn nearly met the same fate. He has yet to wake. It is well known how much Cersei cares for her children. If we crown Morgana, we can create a divide in the Royal family; an internal war between Lannisters. Cersei would be forced to stand against her own daughter, or reveal the truth of her other children's parentage."

"Just how do you expect to go about this?"

"We have already begun. Ser Arys Oakheart, Myrcella's sworn shield, terribly easy to manipulate. He still receives word from the Capital, and I ever so subtly extract that information."

"Such as?"

"Tywin Lannister is dead. Killed by the Imp, apparently. And The Mountain's skull is to be sent to us, as promised."

"See? Father did it." Tyenne interjected. "He killed the man who killed his sister and nephew."

"We do not know that," Nymeria protested. "No one saw him die. I would put it past the Lannisters to send us a fake."

"She is the only one with Lannister, and Baratheon, blood to show her desire to avenge our aunt and her children. Besides, as Robert's daughter, she also has Targaryen blood from her great grandmother, making her our distant cousin."

"But, how do we expect to crown her? We can't send her a letter or invite her to Dorne. After what her family has done to ours, Cersei would not risk handing us another daughter who could be used as a hostage."

"That's where we hit a snag in our plan," Arianne noted. "We couldn't very well use Myrcella. She may be a Lannister. Waters? Hill? It doesn't matter. She wouldn't help us install her older sister over their brother. It doesn't matter that she has refused to wear the necklace given to her by her mother since learning of her possible involve in the death of Robert Baratheon." She noticed Ellaria look down. "What is it?"

"I made a mistake."

"What kind of mistake?"

"A stupid one, made in a moment of grief and fury." They gestured for her to continue. "I stole Myrcella's necklace and sent it to King's Landing in the mouth of a viper."

"You did what?" All four girls exclaimed.

"I know, I know. Like I said, it was a stupid mistake."

"A stupid mistake that could have them believe we're declaring war on their House," Arianne stated. "For all we know, Lannister men could be mqrching towards us at this very moment."

"No," Nymeria interjected. "They're not that stupid. They'll likely send someone to bring us the skull of 'The Mountain' and take Myrcella back to King's Landing."

"In any event, we must gather those to aid our plan. I will begin writing to some of those people immediately."

Unfortunately, what they didn't realize was, they had been followed.

Prince Doran knew with his brother being so close to death, his paramour and daughters would likely wish to seek vengeance. What he hadn't expected, his to daughter to join them.

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