News Brings Hope

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In the bustling port city of Volantis, Robb and his mother Catelyn Stark sat in the dimly lit tavern, sipping their ale and listening intently to the words of their potential allies. The two had fled Westeros after the devastating Red Wedding, seeking refuge and aid in their quest to reclaim their stolen home of Winterfell from the grasp of the treacherous Roose Bolton's bastard son, Ramsay.

Understandably, many were weary at first.

They remembered one of their encounters in the markets of the city.

As they navigated the winding streets and colourful market stalls, Robb and Catelyn were met with suspicious glances and whispered words. The people of Volantis were wary of outsiders. But Robb and Catelyn were determined to find the help they needed, and so they pressed on.

Finally, they came upon a group of well-dressed men gathered around a large, ornate table. One of them, a tall and imposing figure with a thick beard, looked up as they approached.

"Can I help you?" he asked, his voice deep and commanding.

"We are seeking allies to help us reclaim our home of Winterfell from the Boltons," Robb explained, his voice firm and determined.

The man nodded thoughtfully, his eyes narrowing as he considered their request. "I am Lord Valerion Vaelaros," he said. "And I may be able to help you. But first, tell me more of your story. What brings you to Volantis, and why should we risk our necks for your cause?"

Robb and Catelyn took turns telling their story, from the betrayal at the Red Wedding to their flight across the Narrow Sea. Lord Vaelaros listened intently, his expression growing more sympathetic with each passing moment.

"I see," he said when they had finished. "I have heard of the Freys and the Boltons, and I know the wrongs that they have done. If what you say is true, then I am willing to offer my support. But we must be cautious. The Boltons have many allies, and we cannot afford to be discovered."

"We understand," Robb said, his voice grim. "We will be careful."

Lord Vealaros nodded. "Good. I will send word to my contacts in the city, and see what resources we can gather for you. But for now, you must be careful. The Boltons have long arms, and they will not hesitate to strike if they suspect you are here."

Robb and Catelyn nodded, their hearts filled with hope. They had found their first allies in Volantis, and they knew that they would need all the help they could get if they were to reclaim their home and avenge their family's deaths.

But, they didn't stop there.

Lord Vaelaros' support was promised but not guaranteed.

Their newfound friends, a group of shrewd and cunning merchants and smugglers, leaned in, their eyes filled with sympathy and understanding. They had heard of the Starks' plight and were willing to offer their support, resources, and expertise in the fight against the Boltons.

"We have heard of your loss, my lord and lady," one of the merchants spoke up, his voice low and gravelly. "The Freys and Boltons have brought great suffering to the North, and we will not stand idly by while they continue to terrorize the innocent. We are willing to provide you with supplies, weapons, and men, but we must wait for the signal that it is safe to return to Westeros."

Catelyn nodded gratefully, her eyes welling up with tears. "Thank you, good sirs. Your support means the world to us. But we must be cautious, for the Boltons and their allies are not to be underestimated. We must gather our strength and wait for the right moment to strike."

Robb leaned forward, his jaw clenched in determination. "I will not rest until Winterfell is back in the hands of the Starks, and the Freys and Boltons are brought to justice for their treachery. We will not forget the Red Wedding, and we will not forgive those who betrayed us."

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