Planning Begins

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The heat of the day was beginning to wane as Morgana Baratheon, her infant twin sons cradled in her arms, stepped out onto the wooden balcony of the manor. The smell of the sea filled her nostrils, carrying with it the promise of freedom and a new beginning. She took a deep breath, letting the salty air clear her mind as she surveyed the port below. Ships of all shapes and sizes bobbed gently on the water, their sails billowing lazily in the warm breeze.

Morgana's gaze settled on the largest vessel in the harbor, its proud figurehead carved into the image of a dragon. It was Lord Vance's ship, the Sea Bride, and she felt a surge of gratitude toward the man who had offered his loyal sailors and sturdy ship to aid her husband and mother-in-law's quest to reclaim Winterfell. Her handmaiden, Elana, joined her on the balcony, careful not to disturb the sleeping infants.

"Do you think Lord Vance truly understands the importance of this mission, my lady?" she asked, her voice hushed. "Some of these lords and ladies seem more interested in their own prestige than in aiding the rightful king."

Morgana considered Elana's words as they gazed out at the Sea Bride, the sailors moving about the deck like ants on a honey-drenched log. "I don't believe Lord Vance would have offered his ship and men if he did not understand," she replied, her voice firm. "But it is our duty to make certain that our allies are as committed to our cause as we are. We must rally them, remind them of what is at stake."

The mention of Lord Vance brought her thoughts back to the other lords and ladies who had pledged their allegiance to her husband. Valerion Vaelaros, a man of few words but great skill in battle, had been a valuable addition to their group. He had sworn his sword to Robb, promising to help reclaim the North from the traitorous bastard who now called himself Warden of the North.

As Morgana watched Lord Vance approach the Sea Bride, she felt a surge of determination well up within her. She would make certain that everyone on board understood the gravity of their situation and the importance of their mission. With Elana at her side, she descended the stairs leading from the balcony and made her way across the manor grounds to where Lord Vance waited.

The sea air was thick with anticipation as they reached the dock. Sailors, their faces weathered and tanned from months at sea, eyed her warily from atop the Sea Bride's railings. Morgana took a deep breath and addressed them, her voice carrying clearly across the water.

The Sea Bride, its sails billowing like great wings, rocked gently on the swells, its figurehead - a fierce dragon's head carved from pale wood - seeming to stare back at them from the depths of the harbor. Morgana squinted against the setting sun, taking in the details of the vessel and its crew. She could feel the anticipation building within her, a mix of nervousness and eagerness to begin their journey.

"Soldiers and sailors of the Sea Bride, you have been chosen for this journey not because of your numbers or your strength, but because of your loyalty." She gestured toward Lord Vance, who stood beside her. "It is Lord Vance here who has put his faith in you, and it is my husband, Robb Stark, who has sworn to repay that faith with honour and gratitude."

The sailors murmured amongst themselves, some nodding in agreement, others looking away, their expressions unreadable. Morgana pressed on, her voice growing stronger with every word. "The North is in turmoil, and the fate of our families and our kingdom hangs in the balance. We are not fighting for glory or riches, but for the survival of everything we hold dear. The traitorous forces that have taken our home must be defeated, and it is up to us to see that justice is served."

She glanced at Lord Vance, her eyes filled with gratitude. "I cannot express how grateful we are for your support, my lord. Without your courage and your loyalty, this journey would have been all but impossible. You have shown us that there are still those who are willing to stand against tyranny and fight for what is right. For that, we will be forevrr in your debt."

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