Other Daughter

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[King's Landing - Red Keep, Cersei's Chambers]

Cersei's heart raced as she paced the walls of her chambers, her mind consumed by the attempt on her life and the disappearance of her daughter, Morgana. She had sent her most trusted men to retrieve Myrcella from Dorne, but they had failed.

But Cersei had another daughter, one she had all but forgotten in her obsession with Myrcella. Morgana, her eldest daughter, was married to Robb Stark, the 'King Of The North', with whom she bore two sons; Eddard and Robert.

Cersei considered sending another envoy to the North to retrieve her daughter and grandchildren, but something held her back. Qyburn, her disgraced maestar and Hand, had warned her that such a move would not be taken lightly by the Starks and their allies. Taking Morgana back would be seen as an attack on the North, an act of aggression against Robb Stark and his family.

Despite the risks, Cersei was determined to bring her daughter and grandchildren back to King's Landing. She knew that Qyburn was right in saying that the North was a different world, with its own customs and laws.

But, not one of that mattered to Cersei. The only thing that mattered to her were her children. It's why she clung to power.

She turned to Qyburn, her disgraced maestar and Hand. "I want you to gather the best soldiers from across the realm. I want them to bring my daughter and grandsons back to King's Landing, no matter what it takes. I don't care what the Northerners think, I don't care if they see it as an attack. I want my children and grandchildren back."

Her voice was cold, determined. Qyburn, however, looked unconvinced. "Your Grace, this will not be taken lightly by the North. They will see it as an act of aggression, an attack on their queen and their kingdom. The Starks are proud, honorable people. They will not stand by idly while you attempt to take what is rightfully theirs."

Cersei narrowed her eyes, her jaw clenching. "I don't care what they think, Qyburn. I am the Queen of Westeros, and I will not stand by while my children are taken from me. I want you to find the best soldiers, the most cunning and ruthless men in the realm. I want them ready to march north within the fortnight. Is that understood?"

Her voice was like ice, cold and unyielding. Qyburn bowed his head, knowing that there was no changing her mind. He was used to Cersei's iron will, her unwavering determination. But he couldn't help but feel a sense of dread in the pit of his stomach. The North was a dangerous place, even for the most skilled and battle-hardened soldiers. And with the Starks' honour at stake, the conflict would be anything but easy.

Still, he had his orders. Qyburn began to assemble his team, carefully selecting the most cunning and ruthless men from across the Seven Kingdoms. They came from various backgrounds and houses; some were knights, others mercenaries, and a few were even exiles from their own lands. But they all shared one thing in common: their loyalty to Cersei Lannister.

As the soldiers were gathered, they began to train, honing their skills in swordplay, archery, and strategy. They discussed the terrain of the North, the strengths and weaknesses of the Starks and their allies, and the various tactics that might be employed against them. Qyburn oversaw their preparations, ensuring that nothing was left to chance.

Meanwhile, Cersei's agents continued to search for any clue about the identity of the person behind the attempt on her life. They questioned suspects, interrogated servants, and even turned over stones in an effort to find the person responsible. But despite their efforts, no solid leads emerged.

Cersei, however, was not one to sit idly by and wait for answers. She knew that the threat to her life was real, and she would not rest until she had found the person responsible. She doubled down on her security measures, hiring more guards, increasing the size of her personal entourage, and even installing hidden traps and devices throughout the Red Keep.

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