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Amora's P.O.V

Making my way down the deserted side walks the violent raindrops brutally assaulted my unprotected form. Neighboring trees animatedly danced along to the rhythmic tempo the rain and the howling wind created. The gloomy weather today in the small town of Paton mirrored my mood perfectly. Not because I'm up at four in the morning walking through the pouring rain on my way to work at the town's small diner or because I have to work two jobs in order to pay off my debt but much more.

It's funny almost scary how somebody's life could change forever in a fleeting moment. A few months ago I had wings on my feet and a smile which had seemed to be permanently glued to my face, and in one moment everything took a turn for the worst. I lost the only person I ever had.Although it has been three months since she died I still struggle. The world to me is now just a cold colorless place. Every night I go to sleep I wish that I won't have to wake up the next day to feel the emptiness that fills me. Taking a deep calming breath of the moist air I walked into the diner.

Silently walking to the back of the diner I exchanged my wet coat for my black apron. Looking down at my uniform which consisted of a form fitting black knee length skirt and a simple white button up shirt and black flats. After securing my apron I made my way to the front of the diner choosing to sit at the bar.The loud chime of the bell above the door announced that a customer just entered. Turning toward the door three tall muscular men entered the diner choosing to sit in a booth furthest away from the door. Grabbing three menus I made my way over to their table.

"Hi my name is Amora and I'll be serving you today. Could I start you guys off with something to drink?" I asked politely all the while my brown eyes looked down at the cream tiled floors. A few seconds passed without me getting an answer. Did they hear me? Looking up from the floor I surveyed the customers.

The first one who sat closest to the window had dark brown hair which was messily styled on top of his head. His light brown eyes searched the menu before snapping to my eyes which were already observing his appearance.

"I'll have a coke please." He said sending a small smile my way. His brown eyes contrasted on his pale skin, all in all he had a boyish look to him even though he looked to be in his mid twenties.

"I'll have the same." His friend who sat beside him said before lifting his head to reveal the exact same features. Clearly they were identical twins which was cute.

"I'll have a scotch." A deep baritone voice said causing me to stop mentally swooning about the twin men that sat before me. Looking over he sat proudly adjacent from his friends. Unlike them he had ink black hair that was neatly combed away from his face. His icy blue eyes felt as if they were boring holes into my flesh. Without saying a word I simply nodded my head before quickly leaving their table to fetch their drinks. I know that my life is a bit dull but that man was breathtakingly handsome far more so than any man I've ever seen in this town. From his perfectly sun kissed skin to his well chiseled features and his perfectly toned body which the skin tight sweater he wore did very little to hide.

Once I got their drinks I placed them on a tray before returning to their table. Carefully placing their drinks in front of them making sure not to spill anything. I am a bit of a klutz and my boss would jump at any opportunity to fire me and I really needed this job.

"What would you be having to eat?" I asked pulling my note pad from the pouch of my apron.

"I'll have the hearty breakfast combo." The twin in the corner spoke before closing his menu shut.

"I'll have the same." His brother rasped closing his menu as well.

Quickly scribbling down their orders I turned looking up from my note pad waiting for him to speak. Strangely though he was already looking at me.

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