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Amora's P.O.V

I sat my body a shaking mess as my mind tried desperately to make sense of this mess. Yes I was wrong and I betrayed William but he did the same thing, heck his wrong was ten times worst when compared to mine and here he was calling me out. Comparing who hurt each other the most shouldn't be a subject in a marriage yet here I was mentally running down the endless list William had successfully racked up over the mere year we've been married the memories causing me to flinch a burning anger quickly replacing the temporary pain.

Slipping off the bed I angrily marched into the walk in closet to meet a busy William who angrily stuffed my belongings into a suitcase.

"Are you crazy?" I asked an exasperated sigh quickly following my question when his movements ceased so he could glare at me from where he stood. I've always known something was wrong with William basic human principles made no sense to him he acted as though he was raised by a pack of wolves and after meeting his mother I'd feel safe to say I saw where he may have inherited his way of thinking.

Yet that didn't affect the love I felt for him crazy or not I understood that he's been hurt, broken even and I sympathized with him but I refused to sit back and allow him to do whatever he wanted to me again. I'd put up with William's shit, forgiven him freely yet when I slipped up here he is crucifying me for my one mistake when I'd looked over grater transgressions that made me feel just as betrayed and insignificant as him maybe even worse.

"I would hope not." He rasped a scarcely familiar evil glint coating his blue orbs as he returned his focus on the task at hand.

"What difference is there between your slip ups and mine." I said slowly in a last attempt to wrap this around my mind because it made absolutely no sense to me. I didn't want his forgiveness. I didn't need it nor was I interested in working this out. All I wanted was an answer; closure. I was sick and tired of forcing a smile, tired of sitting at the edge of my seat patiently waiting for him to snap or even better someone to try to kill me.

I didn't have to put up with all of it yet I did because I loved him; the monster in sheep's clothing. I accepted him as he was and gave him my all and did everything I could in an attempt to make him happy and it has never been enough.

"Amora you need to realize that I have feelings and you betrayed me breaking the vows we made on our wedding day when you slept with another man. It's only normal for me to act this way only this time you wouldn't have to run off to go fuck him I'll willingly pack your bags and you could go fuck him without worrying about me looking for you." He growled slamming the filled suitcase onto the floor.

"I broke our vows William are you fucking kidding me!?! I betrayed you!! I hurt you William!!! What about my feelings? What about all those times you hurt me? You were the one who said that our marriage meant nothing! That I meant nothing to you! Everything doesn't revolve around you William in a relationship you respect each other's feelings not just yours it's disgustingly selfish." I spat my every cell viciously quivering as the rage consumed me whole. How could he be so selfish nothing was important to William except himself and quite frankly it was tiring. A grown man acting like a two year old who only knew one noun - Me.

"Amora I didn't run off leaving the country to have a sexual escapade while carrying our child. You were gone for months while I desperately searched for you like a love sick fool not knowing that you didn't leave because I treated you how I did but so you could play house with my child and your man!" He screamed which only caused my anger to intensify.

"William I left because I didn't want my child to be around someone who viciously abused me verbally because you thought that I tried to kill myself when in reality it was your crazy ass mother!!! Don't go spinning stories in your head to make yourself feel better about what you did to me. I didn't
fucking sleep with him he kissed me and I responded but for less than two seconds And the guilt of what I did once has eaten me alive since that day. I know that you have feelings William beneath the mountain of shit you're made of and I would never hurt you like that because I know how it feels. I admit that I was wrong and for what's it worth I'm sorry." I said my voice cracking as a lone tear escaped my right eye my anger quickly evaporating being replaced by the excruciating pain of my swollen heart.

"You kissed him?" He asked his eyebrows rising as his hard glare softened somewhat.

"That doesn't matter William we're poisonous to each other even though there's something resembling love between us I don't think we should continue. All we do is hurt each other and I'm battered enough I can't take anymore; you can't take anymore hurt but for all its worth I'm sorry for leaving and robbing you of the opportunity of being present when Sophia was born." I mumbled my body going tense when I felt an icy finger gently caress the skin of my cheek.

"Amora I...," He attempted to say as his left hands gently caressed my cheek and his right hand rested on my waist before l leant in capturing his lips in a slow kiss. He didn't know it yet but this was our goodbye I'd finally accepted the fact that I couldn't help him it was better for the both of us this way.

William's P.O.V

I stood swaying slightly as I tired to focus of what I was doing. The loud cheers and talking morphed together in a irritating howl which only caused the throbbing behind my cranium to intensify. Shockingly I wasn't drunk or hungover at least yet but instead it was my body's way of adjusting to my new reality. I looked on as the woman I loved walk out of my front door and out of my life carrying our smiling daughter in her arms. I didn't try to stop her she had a right to choose what she wanted and if she didn't want to be with me I had to find a way to accept that even though I knew I'd never be able to.

"You're highness how do you feel about the opening of the boys and girls orphanage?" A reporter shouted from amidst the mass of bodies who looked up at me from where I stood in my elevated position blankly staring into space.

"Good. I'm...happy that I could make the orphans more comfortable." I answered robotically my voice void of any emotion as my right hand tightened its grip on the tiny gold object the only thing she left me with which sadly symbolized the end of our marriage.

"Why does the new orphanage mean so much to you?" Another reporter asked catching my attention.

"It has always been an intention of mine on seeing the conditions they lived in. It's hard enough that they don't have their parents to turn to for comfort it is only fair that the place they call home be a source of comfort. Being an orphan myself I understand what they go through and I just want to make them as happy as possible." I said not caring that I'd just revealed a twenty year old family secret to a bunch of reporters. An echo like gasp swept through the thick crowd before a deafening raw of mixed questions assaulted my ears as well as a chilling bang.

Ripping my wild eyes from the crowd I looked down at my chest to find my light blue shirt stained crimson red before my knees gave way allowing my body to be pulled to the earth by gravity my world going dark and for a brief second I wished that the darkness would be eternal.

Hey my lovely readers I'm sorry for the wait but here is another chapter! Tell me what you guys think ☺️
Bye for now

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