Answers Not Sex!

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William's P.O.V

Obviously by the look on my sister's face she didn't expect me to be here nor did she think I would catch her which only means it's just a matter of time before my cover is blown seeing that it's a known fact that she can't keep her mouth shut.

"Baby." I greeted coming closer to Amora my own words shucking me but she looked.... lost? "What's wrong?" I asked using my thumb to stoke her cheek. "Baby if you don't talk to me I can't make it better." I said kissing her forehead moving my hands so they now rested on her hips. A tear slipped from her eyes before she stormed down the hall and into the bedroom slamming the door behind her. Great! As though I didn't have enough to worry about now she's angry for God knows what.

Deciding to deal with my delinquent little sister I walked into my office where she sat reading a document I left on my desk.

"Rose." I said warningly causing her to put the paper down standing from my chair moving to the other side of  my desk plopping down onto a chair.

"You look nice." She complemented me a nervous laugh quickly following.

"What did you say to her?" I asked the least worried that my big mouth sister saw Amora.

"Nothing... but." She dragged out testing the little patience I mustered.

"Rose I have no time for your childish games." I said frustrated.

"I introduced myself she's a nice one. Pretty." She complimented. The only part I focused on was the introducing part.

"As what?" I asked feeling a migraine coming on my nosey sister the root cause of it.

"As what what?" She asked lost. You see my sister... how could I put this nicely. She isn't the brightest crayon in the box if I may say so myself at times. She has her moments and though this is poor timing she's having one of her moments yet again.

"What did you introduce yourself as Rose?"I asked agitated.

"As Rose why?"She asked after thinking for almost a minute or whatever she uses her brain to do in times like this.

"Not as Princess...," I dragged out hoping  that I was clear. I wasn't ready for all this shit to come out just yet.

"No but Dora did." She said shrugging her shoulders before standing from her chair.

"It's clear that you're whipped now I see why you dumped the wicked witch of the South good choice big brother. I was curious." She said kissing my cheek before leaving the house. After thinking about a way to get myself out of the shit Rose put me in I walked into the room to find Amora sitting on the porch. Lightly kissing on top her head I took a seat adjacent to hers now fully seeing her tear stained face. I felt horrible because I surely had something to do with her crying.

"Baby look at me." I cooed standing in front of her but she never looked up from the floor a habit of hers I hated. Sighing I lifted her body sitting onto the chair and placing her so she straddled my waist. She just stared at the checkered material of my black suit yet another tear slowly rolled down her face. Quickly wiping it away I used my index finger hocking it under her chin forcing her to make eye contact with me. I didn't wait for her to speak which I was starting to believe would have to be a miracle to get anything out of her at this point so I did the only thing that I thought would help make her feel better.

Gently molding my lips onto her full ones I moved mine slowly against hers waiting for her to follow my movements like before but she never did. Pulling away I just sat there staring at her baffled as to why I felt obligated to make her feel better and why the hell did her not kissing me back hurt my feelings?

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