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Amora's P.O.V

With parted lips I looked down at the familiar pair of bright blue eyes that bored into mine pure mischief gleaming in the depths of his darkened orbs. His hot breath teasingly brushed against my sensitive flesh as his icy finger tips brushed against the lace material causing pleasurable tingles to explode where his fingers were lightly stroking my covered gem.

Planting soft kisses on my exposed thighs his gaze never left mine as I laid looking down at him where he laid shirtless between my parted legs. Kissing up my body pausing at my lips he firmly molding his to mine. His hot tongue slipped into my mouth as his large hands ran up and down my body leaving behind a trail of goosebumps. Breaking the blissful kiss his once burning blue eyes darkened glossing over a deep frown settling on his pink lips.

"I loved you Amora." He mumbled stroking my cheek with the pad of his thumb.

"I know." I replied turning my head placing a kiss on his hand where it had gone still on my cheek.

"Then why'd you leave me? You took everything from me." He croaked a single tear running down his pale cheek landing with an inaudible plop on my chest. The single tear successfully shattering my barely functioning heart into a million peaces.

"Please." He begged leaning so he planted one last kiss onto my lips before fading into the darkness that surrounded us leaving me an anxious mess.


With a loud gasp I shot up out of my sleep ripping the thick covers off my now clammy shaking body. My entire body covered in a sheen of cold sweat as I struggled to get my uneven breathing to get back to its normal rate. The words 'it's just a dream' rapidly flew off my lips in a chorus of breathy gasps as my racing heart rocked my ribcage in distress. To say that I was sick and tired of seeing the handsome blue eyed devil who now haunted my dreams would be an understatement.

Every night for the past six months this dream has haunted me and with every passing night it gets worst. It feels so real it's as though he's right there. I feel the shivers that run up my spine when his icy finger tips contact my heated skin, his hot tongue as it dances along with mine before it all stops.  Just when I think he's going to say something that's going to soothe the ache I felt in my chest the illusion fades into nothingness. Empty thick black nothingness that's usually filled with the sound of my shallow breathing and the sound of my racing heart echoing in my ears.

Glimpsing over at the digital clock that sat on my bedside table the glowing red numbers read 1:30am. With a frustrated huff I climbed out of bed knowing fully well that I wasn't going to be getting anymore sleep I shuffled out of my room and into the door adjacent from mine. Walking over to the rectangular wooden frame that sat in the corner of the room that was currently being lit by the soft glow that came from the butterfly lamp that sat in the opposite corner of the room a soft smile tugged at my lips as I looked down at my sleeping angel. Her curly hair laid messily atop her head as she sucked on her tiny golden fists. Reaching out I stroked her chubby cheek leaning over pressing a soft kiss to her forehead before leaving her room and making my way to the only place I found comfort at times like these. The kitchen.

Walking over to the refrigerator I grabbed the black and pink tub of ice cream that sat in the freezer all alone. Sticking a spoonful of the creamy goodness into my mouth I finally relaxed when the taste of cheesecake exploded on my tastebuds. I had long grown tired of crying myself to sleep after I'd had the dream now I chose to allow the delicious dessert to temporarily take my racing mind off its usual gilt trip. I constantly criticize myself saying that I was selfish, a horrible mother, a horrible wife and a horrible person. My own mental scrutiny had long been accepted. Maybe Dora was right. I wasn't cut out to properly care for a Royal baby. However they were to be cared for. I'd done the same thing my mother had done to me to my child and we all know where that lead me. It was selfish and inconsiderate of me to rip my unborn child away from her father simply because I chose to walk away from a situation that could've been easily fixed.

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