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Amora's P.O.V

"Amora." He said coolly stuffing his both hands into the pockets of his suit  while he towered over my seated form.

Could I do this by myself? Of course somebody like William isn't going to put his life on hold because of a one night stand which meant nothing to him which not to mention happened to result in an innocent life being formed. There is no need for me to get my hopes up.

"Are you even listing to me?" He asked snapping me out of my trance.

"No sorry." I mumbled while fiddling with my fingers which sat in my lap.

"Look take a few minutes to make sense of the news. I'll be next door I'll give you sometime to yourself." He said before striding out of the hotel room leaving me and my thoughts alone.

Raising a child isn't easy especially alone this I knew. Yet  my mother did it. Although she was an amazing mother having only one person as your only family member has a lot of negative factors some that out way the positives. But maybe he or she would do better than I did even if they only have me they'll be able to make friends.

Either way one fact remains the same and it is that I am going to try to be the best mother that can to this little human being.

William's P.O.V

"I want to know everything  you got on her." I said already stressed repeatedly combing my fingers through my now messy black hair.

"What I would like to know is why the hell am I running a background check on the maid?" My cousin asked turning to look at me.

"I asked you to do something not ask me questions that don't concern you." I snapped struggling to keep my temper from flaring.

"Well someone's grumpy. There isn't really much other than she graduated with honors, she got a scholarship which she didn't accept for some dumb reason. After high school she started working at the diner then her mother got sick and she started working at this hotel as well." He concluded looking away from the laptop.

"What about her family?" I asked looking at the blonde twin.

"The only family member she had was her mother but she died earlier this year." He informed me. I didn't really need this information to make up my mind.

"What's going on?" His brother finally asked once Leo was finished.

Without answering his question I left the room I had enough shit to deal with on my plate right now and my nosey cousins aren't something I'm willing to add to it. I've spent the past month being haunted by the thoughts of the brown skinned woman next door which made the situation I found myself in less than a hour ago hilarious. On my way to this dusty old town I'd planned on what I was going to say to her seems I didn't have too because apparently faith had this shit all mapped out.  On reentering the room I managed to walk into someone.

"What are you doing?" I asked looking down into her big brown eyes.

"Leaving." She stated simply as though it were nothing.

"Sit." I ordered which she complied to opting to sit on the bed.

"It's okay I could take care of this on my own.You could go back to your life and I'll just handle my responsibilities here." She said nervously rubbing her flat stomach all while I looked at her blankly while my mind swirled with possibilities.

"Amora that's not going to happen. As a matter of fact what you just said isn't even an option. This isn't a one man job you surely didn't get pregnant on your own and I'm surely not going to allow you to raise our child on your own that won't be fair. With that said I came to inform you that we leave tomorrow morning I advise you to get some sleep it's a long flight out. Goodnight." I explained calmly .

"What! No I have a life here I can't just leave. I have responsibilities I need to take care of." She whispered as though she didn't want to scare someone off.

"Amora. Cara I wasn't asking." I informed her my voice going low as I tucked a stray tendril behind her ear.

"Obviously but it's a statement that I don't agree with." She said folding her arms over her chest like a stubborn child.

"Mhh I see. The room's yours and again we leave in the morning and that's final." I announced before walking away before she could reply. What I didn't miss was the shocked look that crossed her features. It's no secret that I'm stubborn and I always get what I want but it seems that Amora's going to have a hard time adjusting to that.

"Your highness." My head of security Paul greeted slightly bowing to show respect.

"Paul I want you to assign someone to stand watch over this room she isn't allowed to leave. Order everything there is on the hotel's menu and have it brought up to her room with a fresh change of clothes for tonight and tomorrow. Also could you get the jet ready for me early in the morning." I listed out what I wanted before walking to my new suite down the hall my mind now occupied with the beauty I had locked in a hotel suite.

After taking a bath I just sat there thinking of my next move, that pregnancy test just complicated everything. Not that having a baby is a problem it's just that without Amora and the baby my life as it is was already an 'A Class Shit Show'. My phone ringing snapped me out of my deep thoughts.

"Hello?" I answered my phone without looking at the called ID which thinking about it now was a really bad idea.

"Hey babe." Sara's voice boomed instantly causing me to get a instant headache.

"Hey." I answered coldly.

"You didn't call or text I wanted to know how you're trip in that dusty old town was going?" She asked as if she cared.

"I've been busy but it's fine." I replied almost robotically hoping that this conversation wasn't going to last very long because I didn't need her adding to my stress right now.

"That's good. You're mother and I have been doing some extra planning since you've been gone and I can't wait untill you see them. Plus I had my first fitting yesterday and I really loved it." She went on and on rambling about shit I really didn't care about.

"Look we'll talk maybe tomorrow." I mumbled before hanging up. Sara is yet another problem added to my long list! With a loud sigh I laid back in the King sized bed and allowed sleep to consume me.

"Boss the young lady is still asleep." Paul informed me while I fixed my tie in the mirror. The truth is I had no business being here I simply couldn't get the  said lady off my mind I guess I know why now.

"That's okay just put her in the car be careful not to wake her." I instructed. It would be better this way when she wakes up hopefully we would already be landed in my country. That way I'll have less talking to do. Yet I'll still have a hell of a lot of explaining to do which I decided I needed some time before all of this could be revealed. I have a twelve hour flight which I would use the time to properly think about my next move and put everything in place.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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