Part II

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Amora's P.O.V

I sat silently poking at the salad that decorated the gold and white porcelain plate that laid before me. The room was now quiet with the occasional hushed conversation between William's older sister and a yet another random blonde woman that joined a while ago. I sat with William on my right and Rose on my left which gave me a false sense of security. Nonetheless, I was grateful for it and hopefully I could go through the entire diner without being noticed.

"Armor is it?" William's mother asked from the head of the table directing her question towards me. She was a beautiful woman from her straight shoulder length graying hair which accented her dark blue eyes beautifully. Her slightly wrinkled skin seemed to have a glow to it under the artificial lights of the chandelier.

"Amora." I corrected her gently shrinking further into my seat when I turned to meet the burning glare of the strangers hazel eyes.

"Amora I heard that you're into law how'd you decide to get into that field of work?" William's mother asked her question causing me to silently choke on my saliva. I wasn't a lawyer! There was once a possibility that I could've been but of course that didn't work out. Instead of going off to college to pursue what was once a dream of mine I chose to give it all up in order to stay with my mother. That may not sound very smart of me but surely I didn't regret it. I graduated from high school at the top of my class with all honors and was offered a full scholarship to any college of my choice. Something both my mother and I were very proud of but sadly around the time I had to choose collages she fell ill and was diagnosed with Cancer. I wasn't going to leave my mother alone to suffer so I decided to attend my community college.

At first everything was okay for a few months or so before her condition worsened which meant that she wasn't able to work which in turn left unpaid bills. In a matter of months it felt like my entire life slowly began to crumble. I dropped out of my college classes to work full time while watching on as my mother withered away until she left. She fought strongly throughout her nine months which was something I was proud of but it's not something any child would want to see their parent go through knowing that you can't help the situation.

"Shocking you know so much about one of your Temps William." His sister laughed lightly snapping me out of solum thoughts.

"Temp. As in short for temporary classic M." Maria's friend said softly which prompted them both to laugh at their joke.

"Sara I dare you to say another word. Maria you to." William growled which caused Rose to giggle meanwhile I sat struggling to refrain from stabbing William with the fork I clutched in my now shaking hand. I didn't want to be here yet he begged me to come to sit and be tested. I couldn't afford to be arrested for assaulting a Royal that much I knew. I'm guessing William sensed my uneasiness he gently took the fork out of my hand before enter-whining our fingers together which surprisingly soothed my racing heart somewhat.

"It's not going to last much longer I promise baby." He leant over whispering into my ear before lightly kissing my ear which caused my entire face to heat up.

"William!" His mother muttered frowning as though she saw something unpleasant I'm guessing it was her son's brash public display of affection towards me.

"I allowed the thing to have dinner with us but I will not allow you to act as though she's important to you when your fiancé is sitting adjacent to you!" She spat slamming her hands down on the wooden table. Her choice of words caused my entire body to run cold. Slowly I looked over at the blonde's hand and indeed a huge diamond ring sat proudly atop her ring finger. Discretely I tugged my hand away from the loose grip William held it in choosing to place my now shaking hands on my lap.

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