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Amora's P.O.V

A soft smile tugged at my stained lips as I looked down at my daughter who smiled brightly up at me from where she rested in my arms. Her tiny hands entangled in my now straightened hair as she gurgled temporarily distracting me from my racing heart. The sound of my heal cladded feet colliding with the marble floors echoed through the beautifully decorated hallways making me feel small and out of place.

I didn't want to be here that was for sure actually it took me thirty minutes to muster enough courage to step foot into this palace once more and I wasn't even halfway through what felt like my never ending journey. The little confidence I'd mustered up had already evaporated knowing that  I was in the same building as him. I was perfectly fine with what I had planned for this bland Friday evening none of which included actually getting dressed and leaving the safety of my house but of course Dora had other plans.

(Hours earlier)

Glaring silently ahead at the darkened screen of the flat screen tv ahead of me through clouded eyes I found extreme comfort from the sweet taste of cheesecake against my tastebuds.

"Amora!" Dora screamed earning herself a tired groan as I knew exactly what she was going to say.

"Yes Dora." I answered sweetly forcing a smile.

"I refuse to allow you to sit here and eat your troubles away get up and go take a bath you're going out." She ordered hand on hip and her best glare focused on me.

"I...can't William is coming to take Sophia to the palace." I stuttered causing her glare to intensify at my weak excuse.

"You are going to get dressed and take her to the palace I spoke to William already. Once you've dropped her at the palace you're not to return to this house until midnight for the earliest.  For heavens sakes the least you could do is find another man to distract you from the bitch you once called a husband!" She babbled her words shocking me yet one hour later after a lot of tugging and complaints I stood admiring my reflection in the full length mirror I stood before contented with what I saw.

My hair flowed neatly past my shoulder in its now straightened state. My mocha brown eyes leisurely followed the slow movements of my hands which glided against the black material of the fitted cocktail dress which clung to my body stopping a little above my knee where a slit sat on the right side of the dress exposing as Dora put it 'a little bit of skin' which was 'necessary in my situation'. I wore simple black heals and gold accessories all of which Dora forced me into in her quest to make me happy.

If only she knew her little plan would only cause more harm than good.


"You look absolutely stunning!" Rose gushed smiling largely at me where I stood empty handed as I looked at my daughter excitedly waddle over to where her grandfather sat awaiting her arrival with opened arms.

"Thank you." I replied almost robotically after a long pause a bit distracted before finally turning my attention to the pink faced teenager.

"You've got yourself a date!" She swooned pressing her hands to her heart dramatically quickly gaining her father's attention.

"I don't." I defended quickly flinching mentally at the ridiculous idea.

Any other day I may have been in the mood for a playful banter about my nonexistent love life as per usual but at last I couldn't find it within myself to especially here of all places.

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