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Amora's P.O.V

I hated, no scratch that I dreaded mornings. Why would I say such a thing when mornings are supposed to be something you're grateful to see. Well let's just say my mornings for the past few weeks have been anything but beautiful. As if it were clock work my alarm went off signaling that it was six o'clock and the sickening feeling instantly hit me. Slowly sliding off my small battered bed I made a bee line for the bathroom. After almost ten minutes of emptying the contents of my stomach into the toilet I started to get ready for work.

It's been roughly a months since that night and I would be completely honest in saying that I would do it over and over again. Although I did visit church and beg for forgiveness for my unholy act but a girl could only dream. Apart of me knew that I was most likely never going to see him again and I've been trying really hard to convince myself that I was okay with that. Nothing really changed over the past months other than my sickening  food poisoning which could be  from my late dinners I usually eat from the hotels kitchen. I now work the late night shift at the diner so now I work at the hotel for most of the day.

After hopping out of the bathroom I did my other hygiene stuff and then slipped on my black and white maid's uniform before grabbing my handbag leaving my run down studio apartment.


Standing at the door I took a deep breath of fresh air before walking into the suite to complete the task at hand, cleaning the pig sty. Ugh some people could be so dirty it never stopped surprising me. I guess they could afford to they don't have to clean the messes they created. I'm under the bed cleaning a stain which I'm currently hoping is just red wine when I heard the door open and close shut. Shit! I wasn't done yet.

"Uh hey I'm really sorry about the mess." A smooth voice said with a slight chuckle. I froze for more than one reasons.

1) Being that a person has never apologized for making a mess in their hotel room at least not to me and I have seen worst than this. (2)  It wasn't just anybody's voice who was apologizing to me while I was on all fours with my head under the California King sized bed and my rare end on full display  but it was his voice!

"It's okay." I managed to say forgetting  completely what I was even doing before he spoke to me.

"Whatever you're doing under there it's alright leave it." He said still standing behind me. Slowly sliding out from under the bed I took off my rubber gloves before turning to face him.

Once again without even trying he took my breath away. His blue eyes bored into mine drinking up my appearance which not to mention wasn't anything special plus I most  definitely smelled  like cleaning supplies. 'What a wonderful scent!' I thought sarcastically when his mouth watering smell engulfed me. He looked good which I don't expect anything less, his 6'1 frame was adorned in a black and white tux while his ink black hair was styled neatly away from his face which sported a five o'clock shadow that he wore perfectly.

"Amora." He said lowly and as my name left his mouth a smile tugged at his pink lips.

"Hi.." was the only word that managed to slip past my lips before the taste of bile rising in my throat caused me to instantly shut my mouth running over to the bathroom where I puked my guts out. His cologne wasn't that nice anymore. It was nauseating! When I was sure I was finished emptying my stomach  which baffled me that I brought up so much when I didn't even have breakfast I stood up fully and flushed the toilet.

"There are new toothbrushes in the upper draw." He informed me pointing me in the direction while he leaned his tall frame against the door frame all while he looked at me clearly in deep thought.

It takes me to humiliate myself in front of somebody that sexy. It wouldn't make a difference anyways, after I brushed my teeth he was going to give me a sad smile which would be out of pity and I was going to go my way continuing my boring dull life cleaning hotel rooms while he went about his adventures one.

"How long has this been happening?" He questioned pointing towards the now clean toilet.

"Uh about two weeks. Why?" I asked with my mouth partially filled with toothpaste. Maybe he was a doctor which would be awesome because I can't afford to pay for a visit right now I have to make a payment on my mother's medical debts by the end of this month or else I'll be in even more trouble. He never answered me  though he just walked out of the  doorway but not before telling me to stay. Yep he was definitely a doctor. But what kind of doctor wore tuxedoes at twelve o'clock in the day? There's a logical reason for most things in life and I'm pretty sure he has one.

After brushing my teeth I took that time to pack up all my cleaning supplies seeing that I was more or less finished before he came into the room.

"Here take this." He ordered handing me a pregnancy test.

"Why?" I managed to squeak out. What the hell was wrong with him there was no way in hell I was pregnant. I'm already struggling to take care of myself and the pile of medical bills my mother left behind having a child of my own isn't something I'm willing to even think about right now. Having a family of my own has always been something I've dreamt of though but this is the worst timing and situation. I'm over reacting here. I wasn't pregnant and I was positive I'm not. He's a horrible doctor!

"It's just a precaution something is definitely wrong with you. Just take it and we'll go from there." He said calmly before walking over to the bed and sitting while I stood glued to the spot on the carpeted floors. After reading the instructions I finally did what it said and then walked out of the bathroom  seeing that I had to wait ten minutes for results.

"You took that long to simply pee on a plastic stick?" He asked looking up from his phone.

"You should shut up." I grumbled opting to sit down on a chair in the far corner of the room while he just fiddled with his expensive phone.

Ten minutes seemed to drag but soon enough we were both looking at a positive test that was held in my now shaking hands.

"That's not correct." I blurted out going into denial. I guess that was my way of handling situations that were way over my head.

"It does say positive...but if you'd like a second opinion I could call a doctor." He said pulling his gold phone out before walking out of the bathroom talking to whoever he just called.

"Congratulations you're pregnant!" The doctor confirmed to my complete and utter horror all while William's piercing blue eyes drunk up my now paled and panicked appearance while he wore an emotionless mask. God I was going to be somebody's mother? Poor child.

"Thank you Dr. Sanders but I need to talk to my girlfriend." He said ushering the mature grey headed man out of the room.
Wait... what did he just say?
Hey guys so that's another chapter is really like to know what you guys think about the book so far.

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