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Amora's P.O.V

God this bed felt heavenly but the sun of course was directly in my face. When my eyes fluttered open they were temporarily blinded by the natural bright light. When fully adjusted they anxiously bounced around the strange yet beautifully decorated room. It was modern yet warm and homey but was  definitely nothing close to my room. Panic quickly moved in when I remembered my last conversation with William and in the exact moment he emerged in all his half naked glory from the bathroom. His lower half was wrapped in a royal blue towel leaving his perfect sun kissed defined chest and abs on full display while water droplets rolled down his naked body.

"I see you're finally up you were really tired huh." He said in a low voice before walking into yet another doorway. I didn't reply because he was right I was exhausted and had no days off to fully rest. I sat on the bed my curious eyes taking in every detail of the large bedroom  what I liked the most though were its glass ceiling to wall windows which gave an amazing view of a lake.

"Look if you did kidnap me I have a cat in my apartment and I don't think Mr. Whiskers deserves to die of starvation." I said folding my arms over my chest when he emerged from the door fully clothed this time.

"You believe that I've kidnapped you yet you're concerned about a cat?" He asked lifting a perfectly arched eyebrow my way. Really thinking about it now it may have sounded really dumb but he's a really sweet cat and deserves to have a full life.

"Yes." I answered proudly trying to mimic his behavior but I could never be as cocky as he was.

"One of your neighbor took him I believe. Anything you want Dora will help you. I'll see you soon." He announced before walking out of the room with me quickly following. I only just realized that I was no longer in my uniform but in really cute pink stripped pajamas.

"Where are you going? And who dressed me?" I asked his retreating figure which thankfully stopped because my legs were way too short to keep up with him.

"I changed you. I have somethings I have to get done you'll be fine with Dora." He said turning to face me. Well his suite kinda explained where he had to go I guess but me staying in a house with a complete stranger made me nervous. Yet before I could even try telling him what I was thinking he was already gone. It's weird that I'm not afraid to tell William what I'm thinking  and I've never really experienced that with a stranger before.

So I guess I'll just hide out in the bedroom that way I won't have to meet anybody.
Several hours later, I knew this both by the absence of the sun in the sky and secondly by the constant grumbling of my empty stomach. Giving in to my better judgement I decided to leave the room in search of food. I just walked down the dark hallway hoping that I'll find the kitchen and that I did find. It was a major plus that it was empty! So I quickly walked into the kitchen but the only thing I found was a meal which was covered and a note from Dora which read. "I didn't see you today but I'm pretty sure you got hungry so this is for you miss." Now she doesn't sound that bad. Grabbing the sandwich I ate it and then decided to watch some tv which I discovered was in another language!?!?!

Flicking through channel after channel there was not even one that was in English. And this shit was definitely not Spanish boy does he have some explaining to do when he gets home!

William's P.O.V

"You're what?" Sara asked shocked her blue eyes increasing in size.

"I'm calling off the engagement." I answered exasperatedly seeing that I had to repeat the sentence almost three times.

"You can't do that. Everybody's excited! The country loves me. Please Will I'll do whatever you want just don't do this." She begged on the verge of tears. That wasn't going to help though. I made my decision and whatever we had needed to end I had responsibilities now and I refused to go along with this wedding in hopes of pleasing my parents especially now that I have a baby on the way.

"That's the thing Sara the country loves you but I don't and I can't find it within myself to. My decision is final I'm sorry." I said before leaving the room while she cried as if someone had died. She wasn't crying for me though but what I could've given her if we did in fact get married.


I sat looking at the television waiting for my parent's reaction to this all. A small smirk adorned my face when the reporter popped up on the screen with a flashing red light that read 'Breaking News' in all caps.

"In breaking news we have just gotten word that Prince William just broke off the engagement with his long time lover Sara Fairy!" The red headed busty reporter said as though it were the worst news she'd ever heard.

And as if it were clockwork my father accompanied with my mother came barging down the hallway.

"William!" My father's gruff voice boomed.

"Father. Mother." I greeted calmly there was no need for them to get all worked up about it.

"Explain yourself." My father demanded.

"I don't love her." I said simply which is true but there was way more to that story which I couldn't reveal at this moment for one... the pregnant woman I had at one of my many houses off the castle grounds who obviously doesn't know who I am. This is why I made sure to block all English speaking channels on the television so I'm safe although I knew it would not be for very long.

"You broke her heart." My mother said in her thick Spanish accent.

"I apologized already but I refuse to marry someone I don't love." I said praying that they'll leave me alone about the entire thing.

"I'm going to try talking to her. William you need to take time to think about your actions." My mother said before storming off. She's angry with me now but she can't really stay angry at me for very long I'll give her a few hours.

"You always know how to make trouble." My father began his speech. Trust me I've sat through millions of these seeing that I've long gone through my rebellious phase.

"You're going to be King soon yet you can't even decide what you want to eat for breakfast. To successfully run a kingdom you need to make decisions that not only benefits you but most importantly benefits your people. The person you decide to marry is one of those decisions. Son this is a decision you need to make quickly because if you don't I'll make the decision for you!" He screamed hitting me on the head hard before leaving the room.


It was now nine o'clock and everybody was in their designated chambers so I could now safely leave the palace without anyone noticing other than my security.

"Why are you awake?" I asked Amora who sat looking at television even thought we both know she doesn't speak the language I guess looking at pictures will do for her.

"What I'd like to know is where the hell am I?" She asked standing from her seat. I already had a long day and having to deal with a hormone enraged woman wasn't on my to do list today yet I felt obligated to explain things to her which is weird and I can't really explain why.

"The states here just has poor cable I'm sorry." I lied before walking towards the bathroom. "Amora we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow so I'll see you tomorrow morning okay." I informed her before walking back from where I came from.

What I'd really like to know is why the hell did I come here? I could've just told one of the many body guards that look after her to tell her. Or maybe I just wanted to see her? She's been on my mind all day honestly. No! That may have something to do with the fact that she's pregnant with my child and is unknowingly carrying my country's newest heir. I honestly can't remember the last time I genuinely missed someone.

"You're leaving me here alone?" She asked looking sad which caused me to internally groan.

"Now that you've given me that look no I'm not." I said taking her small hand into mine walking down the hallway to the bedroom.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Stay safe and beautiful 🎈

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