Dinner (part I)

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Amora's P.O.V

I couldn't breathe but currently my body's need for the vital gas didn't seem that important to me. I didn't care that my lungs burned in protest or that the logical part of my brain that still managed to function screamed that I shouldn't be allowing this to happen. I didn't want it to end although I knew that it wasn't humanly possible; I wanted this moment to last forever. Addicted to the temporary jolt of self esteem and want that ran through my hot veins I didn't want him to pull away from me.

At this moment nothing and nobody else existed. Not his nagging mother or his exe who all gathered hours ago making me feel small and insignificant. He didn't speak and neither did I as we made our way down the empty corridor towards the parked blood red sports car. My hand tightly gripped in his larger ones while I struggled to keep up with his long strides in my six inch designer heals. The fact that he lied and hid almost ninety percent of his life from me didn't matter. Why?

Because at that exact moment his hot tongue explored my mouth while his body successfully carried mine to another world. Every cell of my body quaked while oozing pleasure leaving my brain a scrabbled mess.
(That morning)

I laid emotionally conflicted in the arms of this man. A complete stranger to me yet I felt like I knew him my whole life. I was comfortable around him and it was easy for me to fall even though I knew he didn't feel the same way towards me I guess I was okay with that. That was until he confessed his love for another woman while I laid awake in his arms a few hours ago. His confession left me conflicted did I even have the right to be as angry and hurt as I am right now. It was obvious he had a life before he met me my only question though was, would his past affect our future?

My eyes observed his features while he peacefully slept. From his tanned skin to his black curly hair that now messily sat atop his head. His perfectly straight nose, pink plump lips and sharp jaw line that now sported a five o'clock shadow. Yet what I found most impressive about his beauty was currently being hidden behind golden brown eyelids. A sickening feeling of realization finally made its way to my brain while I stared at the sleeping man. I was a nobody, even in the town I spent my entire life nobody noticed me unless I was carrying the food they ordered to their table. I was lucky that William even noticed me that day that being as far as my luck carried me.

He was in love with another women, Ria. Who I'm pretty sure loves him just as much as he does and they deserved to be happy and together. I refused to steal their happiness, most importantly I refused to remain in this situation with William because he pitied me. I was going to put an end to this once and for all and nothing he said was going to change my mind I wasn't a charity case and neither was my child. Sliding out of the King sized bed I lightly walked over to the bathroom where I did my usual morning routine. Temporarily using the time to get away from my own thoughts focusing on the bullets of hot water that sprayed my body.

"You're up rather early." Dora commented when I walked into the kitchen smiling softly at the mature woman.

"I guess." I said softly ignoring the heavy feeling that  settled on my chest.

"What's wrong?" Dora asked turning the stove off where she was preparing breakfast moving so she stood in front of me where I sat.

"Nothing I'm just...tired." I mumbled casting my eyes downward. I didn't know why but my words being true only caused the heavy feeling to worsen causing my chest muscles to tighten in acknowledgment of the pain that now slowly grew there. I was tired mostly emotionally. I knew that this was going to go up in flames yet the conformation of that knowledge stung for some reason.

"Go back to bed I'll bring you your breakfast." She instructed to which I quickly shook my head in disagreement to. I couldn't go back and lay in the same bed with him. I didn't want to be here anymore at least not anywhere close to him. Even though my apartment wasn't anything grand nor was it anything when compared to this house it was still home. I was comfortable and as happy as I managed to keep without my mother and the stress of working to pay off her medical debt. Patting my head lightly she went back to her task at hand cooking whatever she was preparing for breakfast.

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