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William's P.O.V

"What are you doing?" I asked referring to Amora's odd behavior.

"I...I couldn't sleep." She mumbled climbing back into bed holding a sandwich in her hand.

"So you went and got something to eat at midnight?" I asked looking at her as she ate her sandwich.

"Don't judge me it's simply called a midnight snack." She said sticking her tongue out at me. "Hey!" She whined when I snatched the sandwich eating the last part.

"Sorry!" I apologized with a full mouth.

"Go back to sleep." She muttered which caused me to laugh.

"I can't." I said moving so my body hovered over hers. I actually heard the air get caught in her throat which caused me to smirk knowing the effect I had on her. Bending I lightly kissed her jaw kissing a trail agonizingly slow towards her plump lips.

"Tell me when to stop okay." I said between kisses which she just nodded in agreement to. Finally firmly planting my lips on hers I couldn't help it her kiss was intoxicating. Almost like a drug the more you got it only prompts you to want more. Lightly biting her lower lip I used my free hand slipping it under her shirt and lightly squeezed her breast causing her to gasp. Using that opportunity I allowed my tongue to venture into her mouth enjoying the taste. The loud shrill of my ringing phone caused us to break apart. Silently cursing I climbed off of her answering my phone.

"This better be important." I growled into the receiver at my irritating cousin.

"Oh trust me it is. I'm outside." He said smugly.

"Outside where exactly?" I asked hoping he didn't mean that he was here.

"Outside. As in exactly where you are right now instead of the place you really should be." He clarified successfully pissing me off. Sliding out of bed I walked to the front door opening it and was greeted by a red faced Leo.

"You brought the maid back with you?" He asked fully walking into the house walking around my half naked body. "One heart scare wasn't enough for you huh you're determined to kill your father this time!" He whisper yelled which caused me to roll my eyes.

"Why are you so dramatic?" I muttered closing the door before walking into the kitchen with him following closely behind me.

"Me dramatic? You're the crazy one sneaking an undocumented person into the country and hiding her in one of your houses!" He screamed.

"Don't raise your voice at me." I said between clenched teeth. "And this is none of your business." I said blankly looking at him.

"None of my business? This happened under my watch your father's going to blame me for this!" He said raising his voice yet again.

"Leo I'm a grown ass man I make my own decisions and take responsibility for my actions. I'll talk to him about it in due time. Now leave." I said irritated.

"Leave? You think it's that easy to get rid of me William obviously you don't understand the magnitude of your silly actions." He said as though I was a three year old who ran out into the busy street after a ball.

"Leo it's way too early for me to be dealing with your shit." I muttered running my fingers through my hair out of frustration.

"This girl has to be really special for you to sneak her into the country and break up with your fiancé!" He half yelled.

"Keep your fucking voice down!" I shouted slamming my hands on the counter completely fed up with his loudness. Amora wasn't asleep and I didn't need her to hear any of this because then well... I'll be Royally fucked.

The  Royal Heir(BWWM/Interracial)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora