Here Again

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Amora's P.O.V

I laid paralyzed by the pain that raged on behind my cranium hammering away at the tender flesh. My hands formed into tight fists clutching onto the silk sheets my frozen body laid on. The sound of raindrops hitting the window echoed through the silent room it being the last sound I heard before I gave into the tempting darkness that consumed me when the pain became to much to bear.

That Morning

"I'll see you in two weeks my beautiful flower." Sergio cooed to his smiling granddaughter who sat in his arms lovingly looking into her grandfather's bright emerald eyes with an adorable toothless smile dancing on her pink lips.

"Amora I'll call when I land." He informed me handing over my cooing five month old who was dressed in a purple and white floral onesie.

"Okay." I forced out trying desperately to prevent the tears that filled my eyes from falling. I hated being left alone in that house the only time I found some type of escape from my daunting thoughts was when I wasn't alone in the deafening silence.

"Amora, I know what he did was awful but you're only hurting the both of you by staying here. Come home child it's clear that you miss him and he deserves to meet his baby girl." He said after a long pause this being the first time we actually spoke about the matter.

"I'm not ready." I croaked pulling my daughter closer to my chest hoping to find some comfort from her warm body.

"I'm not going to force you to but whenever you're ready there will be a jet waiting on you. However I must say that it's only a matter of time before he finds you. He's not going to give up and I've bought as much time as I could. I bribed the investigators but it's only a matter of time before he gets frustrated and takes matters into his own hands." He informed me a deep frown taking over his lips. "Just be safe and remember I need to see my grandchild at least once a day on Skype!" He quickly added in an attempt to lighten the solemn mood that now hung over us in the frosty air that gently rushed by.

"I won't forget. Have a safe flight." I said walking into his opened arms returning his warm hug a sad smile tugging at my lips.


Hopping out of my parked car I grabbed the car seat where my angel laid fast asleep and my handbag before walking up the stairs to the front door. Pushing the now unlocked door open the warmth that awaited me behind the wooden door instantly wrapped me in its gentle embrace causing a contented sigh to leave my lips. After placing Sophia in her crib for her nap I returned to the kitchen in search of a quick snack but unfortunately I found something I wasn't even looking for. To be safe I wouldn't say something I'd rather use the word someone. A huge someone standing in my kitchen staring at me with a desperate glint in his dark hooded eyes. Probably around six feet one, extremely muscular, wearing all black. Black jeans, a hoodie topped of with black boots and leather gloves to match. In that precise moment one thought occurred to me- I was surely going to die! 

One thing was for sure though; he wasn't going to kill  me without a fight and most definitely he wasn't going to hurt my baby. Swiftly taking off I ran up the stairs with the sound of his heavy footsteps echoing through the once silent house. Now I see  why it was a horrible idea to get rid of my security because if I didn't get rid of him I wouldn't have this problem. Pushing the irrelevant thought aside I quickened my pace when I  glimpsed over my shoulder and saw that I had a good distance between us. Running into the opened door of Sophia's nursery I slammed it shut locking it quickly before the sound of his heavy body hitting the wooden surface rang in my ear. Pushing her white wardrobe against the door where the angry man hammered at on the other side I took a second to breathe before running over to my sleeping daughter. Quickly placing her back into her car seat I ran over to the window crossing it off as an escape route due to the ridiculous  height.

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