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William's P.O.V

"This picture of the King gazing lovingly into his Queen's eyes, a familiar boyish grin tugging at his lips warmed our hearts mere hours before the tragic news rocked the nation. As an out pour of prayers go out to the Royal family we still await further information on the situation."

Glimpsing up at the television that hung from the wall before my seated form a frustrated sigh pushed past my lips when my tired eyes settled on the glowing picture of Amora and I. Anxiously rising to my feet I used my palms in a weak attempt to smoothen out the wrinkles that littered my cotton shirt. The truth was that I would do anything right now to temporarily allow myself to escape my reality. Once more it had skillfully slipped into its usual costume doing everything in its power to resemble my worst nightmare. My body had long gone numb. The partially lit hallway carried along with it the still cold air that surrounded my body the faint sound of life and death. I stood alone in the empty waiting room a silent shaking mess.

I'd sat here once before hoping that everything would be fine but this time I knew better. I knew that no amount of prayer or pleading would help. It was just time. It happened earlier than any of us had expected and as the clock struck two an indescribable pain tore at my heart.

A silver headed man dressed in a white coat and clip board in hand stood before me. His steel colored eyes never looking up from the sheet of paper he held in his hand. Unable to see my blood shot eyes he allowed the words to leave his lips. Unknowingly, he (1) Just voiced my worst fear making it a reality and (2) officially broke whatever remained of my battered heart. 

"I'm sorry Your Highness he didn't make it."

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Amora's P.O.V

I sat staring ahead at the wall the darkness that surrounded me colored black. My grey shirt soaked with the tears of a heartbroken and scared girl who now laid beside me fast asleep. Her once shaking body securely wrapped in the warmth of a blanket as she took a well needed break from her bleak reality. My eyes shifted to my black phone where it sat soundlessly on the bedside table ever so often in hopes of receiving a text from William stating that everything was alright.

The sound of the clouds' tears colliding with the earth hummed softly cutting the deafening silence and my loud thoughts. Slipping out of the bed I made my way out of Rose's room and into Sophia's which was adjacent to Rose's. My eyes landed on my little angel as she laid peacefully asleep. Her wild curls messily scattered across her pillow as she clutched one of her stuffed toys to her chest. Taking a deep breath I allowed myself to relax pushing all the negative thoughts that flooded my mind aside. The feel of cold hands winding around my body pulling me into a tight embrace brought me out of my trance like state.

"William." I whispered hesitantly raising my hand so it rested on his damp hair as he nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck. Shakily repeating his name once more I got the answer to my silent question when I felt a single tear land on my exposed flesh. Slowly turning in his arms my eyes rested on his red clouded ones. We stood still gazing at each other and for the first time in months William's hard exterior cracked, raw emotion gleaming bright in his  dull eyes.

"He's gone." He mumbled his grip tightening on my waist his words causing a familiar pain to course through my body. Slowly raising my hand to his face my fingers caressed the cold damp skin of his stubble covered cheek in hopes of comforting him in some way.

"Your Highness you have to brief the country in twenty minutes time." A vaguely familiar voice stated from a distance to which he nodded to almost robotically. Within minutes the once sleeping castle's darkness was corrupted by light. The sound of shattered hearts rocked the concrete structure one in particular causing me to stiffen, Rose. Slipping out of the room William and I slowly made our way over to Rose's room. My heart's erratic tempo came to a sudden stop when my eyes landed on the distraught teen who sat on the floor tightly embracing herself as she rocked back and forth. Her face beet red as a never ending  stream of tears flowed down her puffy cheeks.

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