One night stand?

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⚠️Sexual Content⚠️
Amora's P.O.V

I stood still allowing the hot water that left the shower head to assault my tense body. The raging pain behind my cranium evoking a low groan from within me as thoughts of last night replayed itself. One minute he's walking me to my room and then the next minute we're in bed together. All because of one question.

Flashback- last night
I stood upright with the help of William as we waited for the elevator to go up to our rooms. He thought it would be best if I slept at the hotel and I didn't push it because well for one I was drunk and didn't want to put him out of his way to take me home. That and for an unknown reason I couldn't find it within myself to leave. It was as though I was addicted to his presence. Tonight being the first night in months that I've spent having fun instead of being depressed and crying myself to sleep. Though I was very drunk I felt free, the feeling within itself being very euphoric.

Climbing out of the elevator we made our way to room 2309 hand in hand silently.

"It was a pleasure spending time with you tonight Amora." William said lowly on arriving at my room his blue eyes twinkling under the artificial lights that hung over our heads and like a moth the twinkle drew me in resulting in our lips touching for the third time tonight. The kiss slow and sensual my fingers intertwined in his dark hair while his large hands roamed my body.

"Amora?" He whispered pulling away to look at me.  "Allow me to make love to you. I promise I'll make you see how beautiful you really are. Just say yes." He whispered into my ear before lightly biting and nibbling on my ear lobe.
He didn't wait for my answer though, ever so slowly he kissed down my jaw to my neck lightly nipping and sucking on my tender skin.

"What's your answer bella?"He asked huskily my body heating up even more even though I didn't think that was possible by his actions. 

"Yes."I answered a breathy squeak quickly followed when I was lifted into his arms and carried into the bedroom. For the second time in one night I'd agreed to this man thoughtlessly but this time whether  we knew it or not this act would bring our worlds together making it one.

Even if neither of us were ready for it to happen.

The air was knocked out of my lungs when I was thrown onto a extremely large bed causing my body to bounce. Within seconds his body hovered over mine as he kissed me senselessly not saying that at this point any logical part of my brain was fully operational. My entire body felt as though it were on fire and an unexplainable need for this man who by the way I know very little about but as soon as some type of sense started to return to my hazey mind it was knocked right out by the actions of his skillful mouth. Kissing a path down my neck he stopped on reaching my covered breasts.

"How the fuck do you get this shit off?" He mumbled which caused me to giggle. I'm guessing that he didn't like the fact that I laughed instead of aiding in him getting my uniform off but the sound of ripping fabric caused my eyes to go wide.

"That was my only uniform." I said on the verge of tears.

"I'll bye you three just don't cry." He cooed coming to look at me before lightly kissing me. Before I could even answer him he resumed his assault on my body which gratefully reacted to every touch and kiss. Once again he ripped the fabric of my bra leaving my  C cup breast exposed to his smoldering blue eyes.

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