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🌸Amora's P.O.V🌸

Tears stung the sensitive flesh of my eyes at the realization. The sickening realization that I missed this. I missed feeling his body pressed against mine as he whispered sweet nothings to me in a foreign language. Sweet nothings I knew he most likely didn't mean but nevertheless I secretly enjoyed it.

"I'm truly sorry Bella." He whispered pressing a lingering kiss on my temple as his hands gently rested on my hips.

"Get off of me William." I growled the logical part of my brain finally making sense of what I was allowing to happen.

"Check your tone Amora." He warned as though I was a child before stepping away from me his stormy blue eyes glaring at my reflection in the vanity mirror.

"Don't you dear tell me what to do William." I lashed back preparing myself for our daily banter.

"You just enjoy being difficult right? That's it?" He asked cocking his head to the side patiently waiting for my reply.

"Maybe that's it." I replied dryly not missing the darkening of his eyes.

"I've been apologizing to your ass for the past two weeks Amora and every time I do you ignore me! Clearly you're enjoying being a bitch about something that wasn't my fault!" He roared clearly frustrated.

"The fact that you're mother tried to kill me wasn't you're fault William I never said that it was. What you did after that was your fault. You can't blame anybody else for what you did to me." I said calmly which shocked me. Putting my hair brush down I walked away from the vanity and into our bedroom with him trailing behind me.

"I said that I was wrong and sorry on several occasions Amora what else do you want from me blood?" He growled folding his arms over his muscular chest.

"I want you to mean what you say William. I want you to understand that you hurt me. I want you to see that you were wrong and not try to pin your mess on everybody else. Nobody did this William you did this to me!" I screamed which prompted him to roll his eyes clearly bored with my rant.

"Why do you have to be so dramatic Amora? If you want me to get on my knees and beg for your forgiveness it's not going to happen. Can you please accept my apology so we could move on. I'm sick and tired of sleeping on the couch." He ordered which took me back a bit. Who the hell did he think he was? Oh yeah...a rich arrogant prince that's who he was!

"You can't force me to forgive you William! Do you even know why you're apologizing to me?" I asked a painful ball forming in my throat as I struggled to push all my emotions aside as I looked at him a battle I was quickly loosing.

"You have nothing to say! William the truth is you don't. I could scream at the top of my lungs for hours and it doesn't affect you because you don't care." I sighed averting my eyes to the glossy floors.

"Amora." He mumbled stuffing his hands into the pockets of his suit.

"Don't." I muttered. "If at this point you don't get what I'm angry about then you may never really get it so I guess it doesn't matter but forgiveness William is a personal choice so no, you can not demand that I get over it simply because you want to forget about what happened. Even if I want to I can't forget that I almost lost my baby because of your mother's narrow mindset or about everything that you did to me while I dealt with the after effects alone." I croaked my shoulders sagging due to exhaustion. "I think the saddest part of it all is that I actually loved you." I concluded quickly exiting the room so he wouldn't see the tears that raced down my puffy cheeks.


"Amora you're asking a lot of me and I'm sorry but I can't do that." She replied tightening her grip on the broom she held.

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