24. Back to London

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My alarm woke me up in the morning announcing me it was 7 o'clock and time to go back to London. I switched off the alarm sighing. I stood out the bed slowly and went to the bathroom with my eyes closed. I was so tired.

"Ready to go back?" My mum asked while I was waiting for the breakfast to be done.

"No" I complained. "I'll miss my friends"

Just then my dad came in the kitchen too, sighing. He didn't want to go back too. He likes it here more than England. Exactly when I finished eating, I heard someone knocking at the door. I went to open it and a wide smile appeared on my face when I saw all my friends in front of my door. I invited them in and asked them if they want anything. They said it was to early for anything so they refused.

We went outside talking, our last chat, while my dad was placing the baggages in the car and my mum helping him.

"I'll come visit you, okay" Dany said to my mum which was also his aunt. Adrian had to comment something as well saying he will come too. "Definitely" my dad and mum said smiling.

When everything was ready, I had to say goodbye to my dear friends.

"Bye guys, I'm gonna miss you so much!" I was telling all of them while they were giving me tight hugs. We did I group hug and I could feel a tear down my cheeks. "Don't worry, we'll see each other next summer" Stephy told me.

"Ohh, don't cry, you making me cry too" Rachel added her eyes watery. "Be strong, be strong" Adrian told himself holding himself from crying. He's the funny guy that everyone loves, and I'll miss him sooo much. I just laughed, smiling and holding back the tears.

I stepped in the car and my hand waving of goodbye, all of them had tissues in one hand and with the other hand waving at me. "I love you, guys, thanks for the beautiful moments we spent together" I told them while closing the door of the car. It was so hard saying goodbye.

While the car drove away from the house, I was looking g out the window and without realising, I was crying. I'll miss this place, this house, this town, the fun and the most, my friends.

The journey to England, London seemed much than the one from 6 weeks ago from England maybe because we didn't want to go back. I knew I'll miss this place, this house, this town, this nice weather, the fun and the most, my friends, but I was happy because I'm going to see Alice, Belle, Drake and Jason.

I looked at my sister. Her face was red from that much tanning and she had her eyes concentrated on a game on her tablet. Her long, straight and brown hair going into her green eyes. She didn't look upset that we go back to England maybe because she was waiting to see her best friend again.

I couldn't wait to see Jason, I missed him already, his perfect blue eyes and his sweet smirk that makes me happy in less than one second.

Also I was thinking about my birthday, I can't believe I'm going to be 17 years old, time flies, I put my headphones on listening to music that I know will remember me about this holiday.

No one from the car said any words, probably they because they were still upset that the holiday is finished. It wasn't just me that had fun, it was my parents too. They loved this holiday, every night there would be someone coming out house or they would go to other's houses. My parents had their own friends group which consisted of Rachel's, Stephy's and Dany's parents and much others. This is why me, Rachel and Stephany are such a good friends, because we were always going together in holiday with their parents. They are bigger than me but still we get very well with each other, they are like family to me. I still remember our beach holiday from 5 years ago... *sigh*

To pass time, when we began getting bored,we played games. We sometimes stopped to eat or take some fresh air. The best thing was that none of us were car sick.

"Who's the boy you were always spending time with?" My dad asked talking about Jason while he was driving.

"He's, a friend" I told him.

"He's her boyfriend" my sister added laughing. I whispered to her to shut up, while smiling g and getting red.

My dad asked if it's true but then my sister began singing "Amelia has a boyfriend, Amelia has a boyfriend, and his name is Jason" while shacking her head looking st my expression while laughing.

My dad just laughed. "I need to meet him" he was serious now. "Sorry, I can't hear you anymore, I'm listening to music" I said while placing my headphones on on purpose trying to avoid him a and his comments.


"Home sweet home" I said when I opened the white door of the house and stepped inside. I put just the things from my handbag back in the place, because my mum said she will take care of the clothes tomorrow while we're at school. When everything was in its place, I went to take a quick shower and put on my pajama, placing myself in the huge bed that was now just for myself, only for me. I wasn't hungry at all as I ate McDonald's one hour ago when we stopped for a rest.

It was 22:05, I decided to go sleep earlier so I'm gonna be ready for school tomorrow. I was so tired due to the two days ride. It was just exhausted. I slept so comfortable in my bed, my head still shaking and I still had the feel I g that I'm still in the car. Finally I managed to fell asleep very rapidly.


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