23. Last Day

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The time passed so quickly and I realized tomorrow is going to be the day going back to England. Last time, Jason came with us to the bar, stood there for like one hour then said goodbye to everyone.

In the other two days when my parents were on the trip, I slept at Rachel's house where we made a pajama party with her, me, Roxy, Brianna and Stephy. We had a lot of fun, did some of the girly stuff like chatting about boys and doing makeup, we also had a pillow fight, pizza and slept at 6 AM in the morning.

When my parents came home from their trip, we went to visit new places, went aqua park, restaurant and much other places.

Every day I was out with my friends going park, just walking around or going different place. We went club almost every night, partying.

Right now I was in my bed waiting for Roxy to call me telling me the plans for today. I kept on waiting, so I decided to call Alice.

"Amyyyy!" She shouted too excited to hear my voice. "Oh God! I missed you so much!" I stated.

We talked about or life and how our holiday is. I asked her if she's not bored as she didn't go anywhere for holiday. She spent all her summer in England at home.

"Nah, I've been out with James everyday" she said feeling proud.

I've been so happy for her, so glad she has such a nice relationship with him.

"That's so sweeeeet" I uttered in awh. "And if you, ugly bitch, leave me of more time alone!" She said sarcastically.

"Don't worry, love, is my last day here anyway, tomorrow I'll come back. I'll miss this country" I sighed upset that I will leave my friends and everything but happy that I'll see my best friends again.

After talking for a while I decided to call Belle too, to ask her how she's doing. She was doing just fine, she was having fun in Spain with her family. Belle told me about the hot boys she spoted at the beach and also how much shopping she done. I wished her to have a good time then hang out because Roxy was calling telling me that she, Adrian and Rachel are coming to get me in 10 minutes.

As I was already dressed up, I put on some little makeup, and got my shoes on when seeing them three at my door.

"What's up, people?" I asked all of them and they answered. Rachel was saying that the others were coming in a bit. By others, I mean Dany, Stephy, Edward, Brianna and Jake.

While walking, all of us four were holding hands in a row, forming a long lace, moving them like we were some 5 years old children. That's us, what do you expect.

We finally met the others. "Cuzzy!" I screamed while jumping into my big cousin's arms when seeing him. He picked me up saying "How are you, lil cuzzy?. He let me down, my feet touching the ground again. We went to the nearest restaurant where each one of us ordered something, most of them ordered pizza or pasta as it was an Italian restaurant. I love Italian food. We were going there as it was my last day and we wanted to celebrate for the last time, I'll miss them so much.

We were sitting at a big table, laughing and chatting with each other. My phone rang and I had to answer it. "Uu, your boyfriend's calling" Adrian added when I stood up from the table to answer the phone. I blushed as he was right.

"Hello, Jason" I said excited to hear his voice again. "Tell him we miss him" Dany commented from the table in a loud tone so I could hear him.

"They say they miss you" I told him smiling. "I miss them too, hope you all have fun" he said and I nodded.

"I just wanted to tell you to have a good ride tomorrow and be here safely. See you on Monday" he whished me.

"Thank you. It will be long, 22 hours" I complained sighing didn't wanting to think about it. I didn't mind it too much anyway because I would listen to music on my headphones all the ride and no one would bother me, hopefully.

"Haha, I'll he there in 2 hours" he stated knowing that this is how long his flight would be as he is going with the plane but I'm going with the car, which takes much longer.

"Fuck you" I said sarcastically then he replied with a "I love you too, darling" still sarcastically.

"I know you do" I continued wanting to stick my tougue out at him but I knew he wouldn't see it.

He hang up and I told him bye, going back to the table. After we finished eating, we began going home as it was already 10 o'clock, but some of us stopped in the park because it wasn't our go-home time. The sky was already dark and we were on the benches laughing about Dany that was telling us his funny childhood memories. We played truth or dare. I was dared to kiss a tree and Roxy was dared to kiss Adrian, at least is better than a tree.

"Amelia, we'll miss you so much" Adrian said opening his arms for me to go hug him. "Dany, you crying?" Stephy asked laughing.

"Nah, man. Just something went in my eye" he paused then continues "For fuck sake, I am" he whipped his tears off and I went to hug him now.

"You grow up so quickly, look at you, it was like yesterday when we were playing in the sand with my plastic, little, cars and trucks" he remembered the old times and I said a "awh, don't worry" telling him I'm waiting for him to come visit me in England, and not just him, all of them. They would be very welcomed.

Obviously, they insisted in taking me and also in coming tomorrow morning to wish me goodbye. They said they will come for sure. "Okay, is alright, you can go" I told them when I was almost near the house, with a smile on my face.

"I'll even come and tuck you in bed if I have too" Adrian, obviously him, had to say something. He always has too. I just laughed thanking them for taking me home and wished them a goodnight, or morning as it was 2 o'clock in the morning.

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