14. Video Games

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"Get dressed, Amy" my grandma told me when I was in my room listening to music.

"Why? Where we goin'?" I asked entuziasmatic.

"We going to Marie, and Jason asked if you would want to come too" she was talking about her friend, Marie, which is also Jason's grandma.

"Okay, I'l love too. I'm gonna be ready in a bit" I was heading to the closet to pick up some clothes.


When me and my grandma were in front of the house of Marie, Jason opened the door. Alexandra and Andra were with my grandad out in park but I wasn't in the mood to go with them because I had to finish some homework. I finished it and here I am.

A warm smile on Jason's face welcomed us in. I entered the house; I said hello to Marie and took my shoes off going in Jason's room.

"Nice" I said looking around Jason's room, spying every little detail.

"That is my room, and the one in front is my parents room. We all lived with my grandma because my grandad died" he explained me.

I smiled and went to a photo that was on a shelf that contain a couple of football trophies and some books.

"Oh my goddd. You were soooo little and cuteee" I cooed at the picture of him that was placed in a nice frame on the shelf. He just laughed. He looked the same as now, he was so cute and sweet. It was a picture of him wearing an uniform, it was most probably a school picture. Then next to it was another picture of him and another boy which I guess is David.

Then my eyes turned to the football trophies. "Football champion, huh?" I asked proud of him.

He nodded and explained me how he got each of the trophies.

"You were so drunk last night" I pointed out remembering yesterday and almost began laughing.

"No I wasn't" he denied.

"Aham. You kept on calling me babe, do you remember that?"

"Yeah, I think I do. When I drink I'm kind of highper. Did you ever get drunk?" he asked me placing the trophy back on the shelf.

"Well, no really, I did actually on New Year but I wasn't proper drunk so I don't think it counts" I stated then he began laughing.

"You never got drunk?" he was still laughing.

"No. Stop laughing" I was bear laughing too.

"Hahahaha" he continued.

"Fuck off, don't talk to me anymore, I'm mad at you" I said crossing my hands like a little child when getting upset. I was being sarcastic.

"Okay. Is funny anyway. You need to experience how it is being drunk" he turned so he can face me but I turned around as I was still mad at him. After 5 minutes he convinced me to forget him by sweet talking me and I stopped being mad at him, not like I ever was but I just wanted to see his reaction.

"What should we do?" Jason asked when we were sitting down on the bed bored.

Something came in my view and I had a brilliant idea.

"You have X-box?" I asked surprised looking at the beautiful thing.

"Yeah, why? You like video games?"

"If I like video games? I love them" I quickly went and looked what kind of games he had, searching for the best one.

"No way! I will marry you" he was surprised that I liked video games. It didn't seem such a big deal to me but still. I just laughed at his statement and continued looking at games.

"Can we play this?" I raised a fight game for two players placing it into the X-box.

I put myself down on the floor and he came siting behind me hugging me holding the X-box remote in front of me.

We began playing. You had to fight your opponent, and in this case, I had to fight Jason.

"Ha! In your face!" I shouted at him knowing that I won. I beat up Jason. Haha.

"The way I beat the shit out of you" I was laughing so hard. I grabbed Jason's face and kissed him hardly on the lips. He was just there smiling and doing the 'I cant believe a girl beat me up' face.

"Let's play again. I need to take revenge" he insisted starting the game one more time. I agreed and got ready for the second turn.

This time he won. "Ha! Who laughs now?" he laughed hardly.

"Fuck you". He ignored me and keep repeating "I won, and you didn't"

"Shut up" I placed my hand over his mouth and he licked it. He pulled me and I was now on top of him laughing. He started tickling me, I was laughing so hard.

"Stop! Stooop!" I said in between laughing. When he stopped I was still on top of him. I raised my head from the floor so I could face him. I kissed him. His head was against the floor. When I place my head in the air again, he tried raising his head to kiss me again.

"A bit more" I was making fun of him putting my head higher and higher so he couldn't raise it. He used his hands pulling me to his head, our lips joined.

"Okay, get up!" he said slapping my butt.

"Aghh, it takes too long" I complained placing my head on his chest.

"Okay, just a bit more then" he said kissing me on my forehead.

"Amelia, be ready, we're going!" my grandma shouted from the other room. I stood up and helped Jason get up too. He followed me outside the room, I took my shoes on, hugged him in front of my grandma but anyway she was busy talking about Jason's parents that are having fun on holiday just by themselves and now I realised why I didn't see them home at all.

"Bye. Thanks for playing video games with me" Jason said smiling opening the front door for us.

"My pleasure" I giggled and got out the house.

"And, Amelia, I'm coming tomorrow to say goodbye" he remembered me that tomorrow Im going into my hometowm. I nodded and waved my hand at him telling him "see yaa" smiling.

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