20. Drunk

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Everything was ready, the place was cleaned up so there would be enough space for dancing, the snacks were ready and everything was seated on a long table in the corner.

The people began coming, I greeted all of them and thanked them for coming, Edward placed the stereo in a corner of the room and the other one in the other corner. He brought his laptop too so he could put music from there and also a microphone which was lead to the stereo.

"Who's ready to partyyy?" My retarded, phyco cousin shouted entering the door. I so love this guy. Jason was behind him helping him with a plastic box containing something.

I opened it and it was full of bottle of alcohol. "Everyone insisted on bringing each a bottle of something so yeah" he explained knowing that this was the question I was going to ask him. I told him where to put it. I numbered them and they were 10 of them, different ones.

Jason came to me and kissed me and I went kitchen to see if there's anything left to bring. He followed me. Jason was hugging me placing his hands around my waist and doing his half smile.

"Is gonna be fun" he said kissing me on the lips. I nodded smiling kissing him back. "Love birds, come a bit cause we need you, you can kiss after" it was Adrian, Rachel's cousin and also a very good friend of mine. We just smiled and went to see what he wanted us for.

Edward put the music on and it was proper loud. Obviously, my cousin had to take the microphone. "Hello everyone, thanks for coming to my lil cousin's birthday. Have fun and get drankkkk" he shouted and then began singing as the music was playing.

Dany took Rachel to dance. They two were like brother and sister, very close to each other. If they saw them dancing, everyone began dancing.

Now everyone was in, we were 18, just like it was suppose to be. The room was full of people. After one hour of dancing, Roxy took the microphone.

"Bring the shots!" Roxy shouted even if it was hard to hear her due to the loud music. She is also that party girl. She likes drinking when she is at a party, she loves having fun.

Adrian got the little glass table from the side of the room and brought it to the front near the couch. He placed like 10 shots glasses and filled them up with alcohol.

"Is it hard to drink shots?" I asked curious as I never drank alcohol before. She asked me if I wanted to try but I wasn't sure at first. Jason was looking at me like 'I don't know if you should do it' and all the others were like 'do it'.

I agreed.

We were having a shots challenge, the one to drink the most, wins. All that glasses were full. "Three, Two, One... Go!" Adrian counted giving us the start.

Roxy began getting the drinks, throwing them in her mouth. I looked at them for one second then raised one up, quickly drinking it. My throat seemed like it was burning and my eyes were shut together as the liquid was bear strong.

One, another one, another one, and another one. I stopped. My head going dizzy and my heart beat growing. "Roxy took 7 shots, and Amelia 5!" Adrian announced then all I could hear were people clapping for me. I stood up a bit dizzy and hugged Roxy.

Jason coming to me "Are you okay?" he asked worried.

"Ahh, yeah, yeah" I said hugging him too.

"Let's partyyyy" I screamed with my hands in the air. I remember I was dancing with everyone. Then I remember taking a champagne bottle and taking Roxy with me in the bathroom. I locked the door so no one could steal my and Roxy's champagne. We were both laughing and drinking our alcohol bottle.

"Look, I'm a seal!" I said clapping my hands like a retarded seal. We were laughing like two idiots.

"Roxyy, Roxyy, I love you my sister!" I said hugging her while laughing. I was so high.

Just then someone knocked on the bathroom door.

"You will not steal my champagne!" I crying like a little child talking to the person outside the door. I was holding the bottle closed to my chest so no one could steal it.

"I don't wanna steal it. Please open the door. Amy?" it was Jason's voice, he kept on knocking at the door.

"No, no! Me not gonna open you the door! I love champagne. Hahahaha" still having the little child tone.

Roxy wasn't that drunk as me. "Come, let's go" she said and stood up from the floor.

"But what if the bad people gonna steal my champy" I said doing a puppy eyes again talking like a child.

"Champy?" She said laughing.

"Champyy, wampyy" I yelled laughing and standing up.

I opened the door and Jason was the first one to ask if I'm okay. "Yeah, baby, I'm good" I kissed him on the cheek as I don't know how I couldn't find the lips.

"Where your lips?" I asked him placing my hand over my mouth in shock.

"What do you mean?" He asked confused.

"They are goneee" I said touching his face looking to find his lips.

"My lips are right here" he placed my hand so I could feel his lips.

"Ha! I found them! I knew they can't hide" what on earth was I talking about? I was so drunk. Jason just laughed, biting my finger that were touching his lips.

I began crying. "Rowxy? Rowxy? He bit my finger!" I went to her showing her the finger he had bitten. It didn't hurt at all, he barely bitten it, but I don't know what was I on about.

He apologized then kissed my finger.

"Ma finwger is feewing better now" I stopped crying and hugged Jason laughing.

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