15. Morning

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I stood up almost all night chatting with Andra because I knew tomorrow I'm going home and I will miss her a lot.

When I woke up the bed was empty and someone was at the door.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty" he entered in the room seeing that I woke up.

"Jason?" I asked confused realising Jason was in my room.

He just smiled coming and sitting on the bed near me.

"How the fuck did you get here?" I was surprised to see him here yet happy.

"Your grandma let me in" he explained and I asked if his grandma was here too, but he said "No, she had to do some grandma stuff".

"How long have you been here for?" I asked knowing that I didn't remember hearing any sound of him entering the front door.

"Almost for 30 minutes" he looked at the clock on the desk to see if he was right.

"And what did you do in all that time?" I asked laughing.

"Ahh, I've been watching a football match with your grandad" he said smiling and I started laughing. How cute.

"Ohh, that's why I heard you screaming Goal a while ago. I thought I was dreaming or something". We both started laughing. 

After a time I realised I was still in my pijama, my hair a mess and my bed too. I stood up and headed for the bathroom.

"I like your Mickey Mouse pijama" Jason said laughing and I stuck my tongue out at him.

I washed my teeth, brushed my hair and put on some jeans and a t-shirt thinking that I will take a shower when I go home, well, my old home.

When I came back in the room, Jason was still sitting on my bed, but the bed wasn't a mess anymore. It was clean and nice arranged.

"You did my bed?" I said smiling.

"Aham" he said throwing a pillow at me. "No you didn't just do that!" I took a pillow from the bed and began hitting him with it. We were having a pillow fight until my grandma interrupted us by coming in my room and announcing the breakfast was ready.

I put the pillows back and went with Jason in the kitchen.

"Where's Andra?" I asked my grandma realising that when I woke up she wasn't there anymore. Just then my sister came running to me and wishing me good morning even if she woke up 2 hours ago and it was already 10 o'clock. She at the same time told me goodbye saying she is going downstair in the park by herself to play with her friends as it's the last day she will see them. I kissed her on the cheek and she ran for the door.

"Andra went home to get something, she will be back soon" my grandad answered my question appearing in the kitchen too, making himself a cup of hot tea.

My grandma was insisting for Jason to eat with me and he couldn't say no to her.

"Good game, ain't it?" my grandad asked Jason talking about the football match they just watched. Jason mumbled something about a football team and a couple of football players that played the best and other football stuff that I couldn't understand.

After he finished talking with Jason, he went back into his room holding his cup of tee. My grandma placed each of us a plate full of fried eggs, bacon, beans and toast. She sat next to us talking about it being the last day. I told her I will miss her a lot and I could see her eyes getting watery so I quickly changed the subject.

"You have some tomato sauce on your face" I said amused whipping the tomato sauce from Jason's face.

"You two would look nice together" my grandma complimented smiling. I even forgot she was eyeing us.

I just blushed without saying any word, and Jason did the same.

"You are already going out?" she asked surprised seeing that one my face and his.

"Hihi" I just giggled not giving her an answer.

"Awhh, how cute" she commented and I just smiled continuing eating my food.

Just exactly when we finished eating Andra came home holding something in her hand.

"I got you a goodbye gift" she said handing me a little black box. I opened it and inside were a beautiful pair of earring, on the top it said 'Sterling Silver'. I hugged her and thanked her telling her she shouldn't have spend that much money on it. I adored them. She helped me place them in taking out the other cold earrings that were not valuable at all, placing the nice silver earring. I thanked her one more time and told her we're going outside. She said it was no problem as I got her something from England too. What I got her? I got her a pair of buff jeans with a sexy top from my favourite shop. She loved them.

"Ohh, do I really have to go down that long stairs again? I'm exhausted" she complained sighting. I just ignored her and got her hand pulling her outside laughing.

When I got outside I called some of my friends asking them if they want to come park as it's the last day I would see them. They obviously agreed and came out in a hurry. I just love them.

After 10 minutes everyone was here, everyone, even the little kids that were playing in the park with my little sister came to me. Every one of them where surrounding me. I felt like a star, but still it felt weird being in centre of the attention. Well, I don't blame them anyway for loving me that much, I went threw a lot with them and made some unforgettable memories.

"We are going to miss you soo much" said Jade hugging me. I knew I'm going to miss all of them a lot.

"Me too!"

My sister's friends were asking me when we will come again to visit and where do we live now. I answered all the questions and then promised them we will see each other again next summer.

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