8. Jealousy

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"Yes, that's me, Luke" I looked surprised to see him there, maybe because he is my old crush that broke my heart. Well, it was long time ago and then I didn't really know what love is.

"Wow, you look so changed, how are you, beautiful?" did he just call me beautiful? How dare is him to do that after he broke my heart by saying that he doesn't like me because I'm not so pretty enough for him! Was he actually flirting with me? Yuck!

"I'm ok, thanks" I said embarrassed. He came forward me. I think he wanted to kiss me or something. Then Jason got my hand saying "Come!" he was looking deep straight into Luke's eyes, his look was cold and rude.

"Where are we going?" I asked Jason confused.

"We're going to get you haribos" he pulled me with him still giving Luke dirty looks.

"Yay, haribos!" I clapped my hands like a little child and then laughed at myself.

We went shop to get sweets holding hands and moving them up and down like we were some 5 years old kids. "Look, the shop is there" I told him. "No, we are going to the other one more far away" he replied. Why did he wanted to go 'more far away'? Maybe he didn't want me to spend time with Luke, is he jealous? I was just glad we get to spend more time just is two. I was feeling special, he always makes me happy I don't know how. I just love the way he does things.

We went to to shelves and I picked up a huge bag of haribos. He told me to get one more for Andra and Paul. He paid them, I thanked him and we walked outside.

I opened the bag of haribos and started eating. "Why did you want to take me away, are you jealous?" I asked him.

"Can I have some haribos?" his face got red an he tried to change the subject.

"Noo! Mine! You should had buy your own one! Me, not, share!" I was talking in a sarcastic way placing the haribos into my chest, 'protecting' them.

He just started laughing. "Anyway, you didn't answer my question" I reminded him.

"You like him?" he was serious.

"Me? No! Wtf! This was long time ago and I was little" my face changed in disgusts.

"So, you liked him?" he asked surprised by what I said.

"Well, it was just a crush. Nothing important" I commented.

"Ohh, okay" he looked pleased. For a minute we were silent.

I hand him the Haribo bag and tell him to get some. "I though you don't wanna share" he was smiling, not a normal smile, he had his smirk set on his face, that smirk that I couldn't resist.

"Nahh, idiot. I love you too much not to share with you" I said giggling until I realized what I actually said. Did I just tell him that I love him? Omg, I'm so stupid! I'm dead! Fuuck!

"I love you too" he was looking into my eyes. Did my crush just tell me that he loves me? That's.. wow, I guess. Am I dreaming? Probably yes.

We were both silent now eating sweets. "What's up people! We got Haribos for you lot!" I shouted doing my voice like a rapper and then began laughing at my own joke. Jeez, I'm so funny you know. Andra and Paul came to us to get their huge pack of Haribo sweets. I just love Haribos. "Did you get me some?" Luke asked. "Noo, sorry, I didn't have enough money." Jsson lied, being sarcastic. I tried to hide a laugh. They were all looking at me like wtf is wrong with you.

"Oi, ugly shit, Jason!!" I tried to get his attention. He was talking with Paul. "Yes, idiot" he answered. "What did you say, did you call me idiot?!" I was being sarcastic. "You called me ugly shit first, what was I supposed to say?" he came and hug me. I hugged him too. He put his arms around my waist and I put my hands around his neck, that was just so sweet.

"You promised you're teaching me football" I remembered him.

"Yeah, come" we were now face to face holding hands. We kind of looked and acted like a couple.

"I can teach you football, I bet I know football better than him" Luke said. It was more like a insult.

"You say you know better football than me?" he now had his face of pissed off. I knew this wouldn't end good..

Luke just ignored him. "Come, Amelia, I'm gonna teach you football" he tried grabbing my hand but Jason pulled me closer to him.

"No, I'm gonna teach you footbal" he still had his pissed off face.

Luke took my hand and pulled me with him saying "Oi man, live her, she doesn't like you". I just looked at him with a raised eyebrows wanting to say how do you know? But I decided just to keep quiet.

"Can you fucking live her alone you jerk!" Jason went in front of him.

"Who are you to tell me what to do!" Luke pushed Jason.

Then Jason pushed Luke. Were they really fighting for me? Wtf!

"Stop! Jason, leave him" I got involved. I stopped them from fighting and then walked away with Jason by pulling his hand. We were walking around.

"I swear I'm gonna beat the shit out of him" he was still angry.

"Jason, stop, he's stupid, why do you have to get to his level. Just fucking leave him alone." I was serious.

"You like him, ain't it?" he wasn't looking into my eyes.

"Are you for real, Jason? How am I suppost to like a idiot like him! After all the time I spend with you, you say that I like somebody else? You're the only one I.." I stopped when I realised what I was saying. I got pissed off. I just told him that I like him (well, almost). This wasn't good. I just walked away from him and went to my cousin.

"Can we please sleep at my house because my mum doesn't allow me to sleep at our grandma's house today. My mum said that is okay for you to stay." my cousin was telling me.

I called my grandma and told her that I'm sleeping over Andra's house. She was alright with that. Jason came to me and asked me of I'm ok. Just then my aunt called us to get home because it was already 9 pm.

"Sorry, I gotta go, bye Jason" I said still mad at him.

Then Luke came putting his arm on my shoulder "Are you ok?" he asked.

I took his hand off me "Can you fucking leave me alone. Don't touch me. Just go away!" I was so angry that I was about to slap him. I was having a argument with Jsdon just cause of him. Aghh. *sigh*

Me and Andra got inside when my aunt came to us and hugged us. I just love her. She's kind and everybody thinks that she's Andra's sister not mother because she looks so young. I gave her a smile and then went to change and eat. While eating I told Andra everything what happened and why I was pissed off.

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