18. Sleep Over

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It was already 10 o'clock so everyone went home. I was with Jason walking to my house as he was sleeping over.

"I'm sorry if I bother you" Jason said referring to the thing that he is sleeping at my house. I was actually happy that he is so there wasn't any bothering obviously.

"What, no! Hakuna matata" I told him and he pulled me closer to him placing one of his hands around my waist as he was holding me.

"Huh? What's that?" he asked confused didn't knowing what 'hakuna matata' means.

"You don't know what it means? We'll go home and I'll make you watch the Lion King!" I was surprised he never heard of his. He just laughed giving me the 'you're crazy look' and laughing, I just laughed with him.

When we were home I introduced Jason to my mother even if she already knew him. She prepared the bed for Jason, it was a mattress near my bed with bed covers. Obviously she didn't want me to sleep in the same bed as him but at least we were in the same room. The room was also my sister's but she said she will sleep with mum in the bedroom as my dad wasn't home because he was having fun at fishing.

Fortunately, we had a clean pajama left from my big cousin from when he used to sleep at my house, so Jason used it as he didn't have his own one because he didn't know he will spend the night here. Probably the only reason my mum allowed him to stay is because she knew his mum for sure if my grandma knows his grandma.

We first watched the Lion King together with my little sister. My sister began to love Jason. She was even blanking me saying that she loves him more than me. My own sister!

"I ain't givin your toy back if you don't give me a kiss" he said holding Alexandra's doll in his hand talking to her. She kissed him on the cheek and he gave back her barbie doll. When we finished watching the Lion King, Jason finally found out that Hakuna Matata means 'No Worries'. My sister went in my mum's bed as she was very tired. We said bye to her and she was gone... finally!

"Should we put an horror movie on?" I asked and he agreed. It was 00:00 and we were still not tired so we decided to watch one more movie. He took his pepsi can from the table then placed himself in my bed near me. I put the popcorn between us and the movie Woman in Black played.

"Ohh shit, she shouldn't have do that. You're gonna die I'm afraid" I was talking with the girl from the movie that was trying to kill her. My legs were wrapped around Jason, and he was bear holding my hand probably because he was scared as fuck.

"Don't be scared, Amy. I'm here, I'm here, baby" he said concentrated on the movie patting me on my shoulder. I just laughed and said "Me? I'm not scared, you are". He tried denying it but it was obvious from his face he was freaked out.

He was smirked and reached to kiss my lips. I kissed him back placing my head on his chest.

When the movie finished he stood up from the be, slapped my butt and said "Well, sleep time!". He went back on his mattress and placed himself under covers. "I don't wanna sleep" I complained and insisted on chatting. It was 02:00 when we finally decide to go to sleep because my eyes were beginning to close.

"Should I hold your hand until you go sleep so you don't get scared because of the movie?" he asked his face looking innocent.

"Ohh, shut up. You wanna hold my hand because you are scared" I said laughing. "Well, maybe just a bit" he finally admitted it. He put his hand in my bed so I was able to hold it.

"Goodnight, princess" he said closing his eyes.

"Good night" I smiled even if he couldn't see it.


In the morning I woke up and it was 10 o'clock so I decided to go get ready. Jason was still sleeping peacefully, I stared at him for like one minute then went to the bathroom. He looked so, innocent. He didn't seem that bad boy when sleeping, he was must I say like an angel.

I brushed my teeth then came back in the room. He was awake now, his blond hair was messy, and he wished me good morning telling me that my mum and sister went to the my aunt's house to drink their coffee together and chat.

"How did you sleep?" I asked him and he said he slept very good. "Help me get up" he told me placing his hand in the air for me to grab it. When I took his hand he pulled me in the bed, and again it happened like before when I pulled him and he ended up almost smashing me. I placed my head near his on the bed just lying down. He kissed me on my cheek and put his hand around me. I put my head up staring at him.

"You're so cute" I said with a skinny voice while playing with his hair.

"I'm not cute, I'm hot. Can't you see my six pack?" he complained putting his pajama shirt up so I was able to see his six pack. He was showing off.. Oh well.

"Yes you are cute" I kissed him. He placed his hand over my mouth and I licked it. Never cover my mouth with your hand. He just laughed and so I did. I stood up telling him that I'm going bathroom again to get changed. "Where's your Mickey Mouse pajama?" he said laughing and I stuck my tongue out at him. "At least my pajama is not large like yours" I commented looking at how big my cousin's pajama was on him. "Hahaha" he said sarcastically, not really thinking it was funny. "Idiot" I said under my breath and he heard it, getting up and running to catch me. I quickly ran in the bathroom and closed the door after me before he could come in. "I can wait until you get out, you wouldn't take forever" he shouted at me.

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